Processing medical pre-treatment estimates

Dentrix Enterprise allows you to cross code an ADA code with an associated AMA code. Once you cross code the procedure, you can create a medical pre-treatment estimate.

Note: For information about setting up Dentrix Enterprise for billing medical insurance electronically, see the topic about the requirements for electronic medical insurance claims.

Click any of the following links to learn about processing medical pre-treatment estimates:

Cross coding planned procedures

Creating medical pre-treatment estimates

Viewing or editing medical pre-treatment estimates

Editing medical insurance subscriber information for pre-treatment estimates

Changing medical pre-treatment estimate providers

Changing standard medical pre-treatment estimate information

Including attachments with medical pre-treatment estimates

Sorting medical diagnostic codes on pre-treatment estimates

Attaching or editing medical pre-treatment estimate notes

Printing or submitting medical pre-treatment estimates

Updating medical pre-treatment estimate statuses

Viewing or editing medical insurance plan notes from pre-treatment estimates

Editing medical insurance amounts for procedures on pre-treatment estimates

Deleting medical pre-treatment estimates

Entering medical pre-treatment estimate authorizations

Creating secondary medical pre-treatment estimates