You can post procedures to supernumerary teeth.
To post a procedure to a supernumerary tooth
When you are posting a procedure (after you have selected a procedure code) or when you are editing a procedure, if the procedure requires a tooth number, the Tooth box is available. Enter the supernumerary tooth number or letter.
Use the following ADA recommendations for entering a supernumerary tooth:
Permanent Tooth - Add 50 to the tooth number nearest the supernumerary tooth (for example, 1 = 51, 2 = 52, 3 = 53, and 32 = 82).
Primary Tooth - Add an "S" after the tooth letter nearest the supernumerary tooth (for example, A = AS, B = BS, C = CS, and T = TS).
A message appears, asking if you want to accept the tooth number as a supernumerary tooth.
Click Yes.
Continuing posting or editing the procedure as usual.