Practice Statistics Report

The Practice Statistics Report allows you to review statistical information about your patients.


To view patient demographics, and to assist you in developing strategic business plans


As needed

To generate the report

In DXOne Reporting, select Management, and then double-click Practice Statistics.

The Practice Statistics dialog box appears.

Set up the following options:

Clinic - To filter the report by clinic, do one of the following:

To include all clinics that you are allowed to generate the report for, select the All checkbox.

To include specific clinics, do the following:

Click the search button .

The Select Clinics dialog box appears.

Note: Only the clinics that you are allowed to generate the report for are available.

If the list is long, to search for a clinic by ID and/or title, do the following:

Click Search.

The options for searching appear in the upper list.

Enter the first character or more of a clinic's ID and/or title in the ID and Practice Title boxes, respectively.

Click Show Results to view a list of matching clinics.

Note: To return to viewing the list of all the clinics, click Search, click Clear Search to clear the search criteria that you entered, and then click Show Results.

In the upper list, select one or more clinics.

Note: To select multiple clinics, click a clinic, and then, while pressing the Ctrl key, click the other desired clinics. To select a range of adjacent clinics, click the first clinic of the desired range of clinics, and then, while pressing the Shift key, click the last clinic of the desired range of clinics.

Click Add.

Repeat steps b-d as needed to add other clinics.

Note: To remove a clinic that you added, select that clinic in the lower list, and then click Remove.

Click OK.

Provider/Staff - To filter the report by providers and staff, do one of the following:

To include all providers and staff members that you are allowed to generate the report for, select the All checkbox.

To include specific providers and staff members, do the following:

Click the search button .

The Select Providers/Staff dialog box appears.

Note: Only the providers and staff that you are allowed to generate the report for are available.

If the list is long, to search for a provider or staff member by ID, first name, last name, and/or title, do the following:

Click Search.

The options for searching appear in the upper list.

Enter the first character or more of a provider's or staff member's ID, first name, last name, and/or title in the ID, First Name, Last Name, and Title boxes, respectively.

Click Show Results to view a list of matching providers and staff members.

Note: To return to viewing the list of all the providers and staff members, click Search, click Clear Search to clear the search criteria that you entered, and then click Show Results.

In the upper list, select one or more providers and staff members.

Note: To select multiple providers and staff members, click a provider or staff member, and then, while pressing the Ctrl key, click the other providers and staff members. To select a range of adjacent providers and staff members, click the first provider or staff member of the desired range of providers and staff members, and then, while pressing the Shift key, click the last provider or staff member of the desired range of providers and staff members.

Click Add.

Repeat steps b-d as needed to add other providers and staff members.

Note: To remove a provider or staff member that you added, select that provider or staff member in the lower list, and then click Remove.

Click OK.

Prophy Types - To filter the report by continuing care types, do one of the following:

To include all continuing care types, select the All checkbox.

To include specific continuing care types, do the following:

Click the search button .

The Select Prophy Type dialog box appears.

If the list is long, to search for a continuing care type by ID, name, and/or description, do the following:

Click Search.

The options for searching appear in the upper list.

Enter the first character or more of a continuing care type's ID, name, and/or description in the ProphyID, Name, and Description boxes, respectively.

Click Show Results to view a list of matching continuing care types.

Note: To return to viewing the list of all Continuing Care types, click Search, click Clear Search to clear the search criteria that you entered, and then click Show Results.

In the upper list, select one or more continuing care types.

Note: To select multiple continuing care types, click a continuing care type, and then, while pressing the Ctrl key, click the other desired continuing care types. To select a range of adjacent continuing care types, click the first continuing care type of the desired range of continuing care types, and then, while pressing the Shift key, click the last continuing care type of the desired range of continuing care types.

Click Add.

Repeat steps b-d as needed to add other continuing care types.

Note: To remove a continuing care type that you added, select that type in the lower list, and then click Remove.

Click OK.

Section - Select the checkbox of the statistics that you want to include on the report: Patient Statistics, Age Statistics, Continuing Care Statistics, New Patient Statistics, Provider Statistics, and/or Zip Code Statistics.

Click Save as Default to save the current settings for the next time you run the report.

Click Clear Defaults to revert the dialog box options to the original defaults.

Click Schedule to schedule a report job.

Click OK to preview the report.

Important information this report provides

Patient Statistics:

Total number of patients.

Number of guarantors that are not patients.

Number of guarantors/non-guarantors.

Number of male/female patients.

Number of married/single/child/other/widowed/divorced/separated patients.

Breakdown of patients by insurance status.

Age Statistics - A breakdown of the patients by age group.

Continuing Care Statistics - A breakdown of the number of patients due for prophy in the next 12 months and the number of patients that are not on Prophy Continuing Care.

New Patients - A breakdown of the number of new patients who were entered in Family File in the past 12 months.

Provider Statistics - A breakdown of the number of patients that prefer each provider.

Patient by Zip Code Statistics - A breakdown of patients by ZIP Code.