Working with appointments across locations
When you are scheduling an appointment for an existing patient or a new patient, or when you are editing an existing appointment, if the multi-location view of the schedule is active, there are some differences compared to when the multi-location view is not active.
On the Appointment Information panel that appears when you are creating a new appointment or when you have selected an existing appointment's tile, the following options are new or function differently from when the multi-location view is not active:
Clinical buttons - The Chart, Ledger, and Tx Planner buttons do not appear on the Appointment Information panel.
Location - This list includes only the locations that are assigned to the operatory group that is selected for the multi-location view and, of those locations, only the ones that you have been granted the "Review Schedule" security right for.
If you are creating an appointment, the default selection is determined as follows:
If you initiated the creation of the appointment by clicking (or tapping) a time slot on the schedule, the corresponding location is selected by default.
If you initiated the creation of the appointment from the Action menu, the location that you are currently logged in to is selected by default.
Note: If the location that you are currently logged in to is not selected, an orange warning icon appears
, which you can click (or tap) to display a Location Warning pop-up message.
Operatory - This list includes only the operatories that are assigned to selected location and that pertain to the operatory group that is selected for the multi-location view.
If you are creating an appointment, the default selection is determined as follows:
If you initiated the creation of the appointment by clicking (or tapping) a time slot on the schedule, the applicable operatory is selected by default.
If you initiated the creation of the appointment from the Action menu, an operatory is not selected by default.
Providers - The Appointment Provider and Additional Provider lists include only the providers who work in the selected location.
For an appointment that was booked online, you cannot change the location until after you either create a new patient record or select an existing patient record to associate with the appointment.
You can create, edit, or delete an appointment only if you have been granted the "Manage Appointments" security right for the location that is associated with the appointment.
You can move an appointment from one location to another, only if you have been granted the "Manage Appointments" security right for both the original location that is associated with the appointment and the new location that you want to associate with the appointment.
The Audit Log tracks when an appointment is created, updated, or deleted in another location in the multi-location view.