Turning the multi-location schedule view on or off
The multi-location view of the schedule allows you to schedule appointments across locations without having to switch between locations. This multi-location scheduling functionality can help you boost scheduling efficiency and find openings for patients at other locations throughout your organization.
To turn the multi-location schedule view on or off
Do one of the following:
Click (or tap) the Schedule menu.
On the Schedule menu, click (or tap) Calendar.
The Calendar page opens.
Do one of the following:
If the multi-location schedule view is not active, to turn on the view, set the Multi-location switch to On.
If an operatory group has not been specified for the view, you must select one on the View menu. For information about the View menu options, see the topic about customizing the multi-location schedule view.
The calendar displays a column for each location with sub-columns for each operatory in the selected group. The left-most column is for the location that you are currently logged in to.
Whether you are viewing the schedule by day or by week, when you switch to the multi-location view, the schedule is displayed by day.
Of the locations that are assigned to the operatory group that is selected for the current multi-location view, the calendar displays only the locations that you have not been granted the "Review Schedule" right for.
You can position your pointer over a location column header on the Calendar page to view the location's address, phone number, and time zone.
The ASAP, Broken/No Show, and Pinboard lists display appointments for only the location that you are currently logged in to.
The Day Note dialog box displays notes for only the location that you are currently logged in to.
The routing panel (Status Tracker and Schedule Peek) displays appointments for only the location that you are currently logged in to.
Currently, the following features are not available with the multi-location view:
Production - You cannot see overall production amounts.
Printing - You cannot print the schedule.
Clinical buttons - The Chart, Ledger, and Tx Planner buttons do not appear on the Appointment Information panel.
If you navigate away from the schedule while using the multi-location view and then return to the schedule, the Multi-location View switch remains On by default, and the multi-location view options that you last selected are selected by default.
If you log out and then back in, the Multi-location View switch is set to Off by default. When you turn the switch back On, the multi-location view options that you last selected are selected by default.
If the multi-location schedule view is active, to turn off the view, set the Multi-location switch to Off.
Note: The Multi-location switch is available only if you have access to more than one location and if your user role has been granted the "Multi-location Scheduling" security right.