Viewing the details of an estimated patient portion

In the Ledger, Dentrix Ascend provides a view of details for an estimated patient portion. For each charge listed in the view, you can see how much was charged, if there is a remaining insurance portion, if any credit adjustments and payments were applied, and the remaining balance.

To view the details of an estimated patient portion

  1. How to get there

    1. If the correct patient is not already selected, use the Patient Search box to access the patient's record.

      Note: You can include inactive patients in the search results by setting the Include inactive patients switch to On.

    2. Do one of the following:

      • On the Patient menu, under General, click (or tap) Overview. The patient's Overview page opens. Click (or tap) the Ledger box.

      • On the Patient menu, under Financial, click (or tap) Ledger.

      The patient's Ledger page opens.

    On a patient's Ledger page, click (or tap) the amount in the Patient Portion box.

    One of the following occurs:

    • If you are viewing the Ledger with the patient view, the Patient Portion page opens.

    • If you are viewing the Ledger with the guarantor view, the Guarantor Portion page opens.

    On the Summary View tab, for each charge listed, the following appear:

    • Charge Description - The description of the charge and the date of service.

    • Patient Name - The name of the patient whom the charge corresponds to. This column appears only in the guarantor view.

    • Charge Amount - The amount charged. This amount comes from the provider's fee schedule or, if a fee schedule is not attached to the provider, the location's fee schedule.

    • Insurance Portion Remaining - The estimated remaining insurance portion.

    • Credit Adjustment Amount - The total amount of any credit adjustments applied.

    • Payments Made - The total amount of any payments (insurance and patient) applied.

    • Patient Portion - The estimated remaining patient portion. This column appears only in the patient view.

    • Guarantor Portion - The estimated remaining guarantor portion. This column appears only in the guarantor view.


    On the Detailed View tab, for each charge listed, the following appear (you may have to scroll, or swipe, horizontally to see every column):

    • Charge Description - The description of the charge and the date of service.

    • Patient Name - The name of the patient whom the charge corresponds to. This column appears only in the guarantor view.

    • Charge Amount - The amount charged. This amount comes from the provider's fee schedule or, if a fee schedule is not attached to the provider, the location's fee schedule.

    • Primary Allowable Amount - The contracted amount according to the primary insurance plan's fee schedule.

    • Primary Coverage, % - The percent covered according to the primary insurance plan's coverage table. If the percent is a link, you can click (or tap) it to view the applicable coverage exception.

    • Primary Copayment, $ - The copay according to the primary insurance plan's coverage table. If the amount is a link, you can click (or tap) it to view the applicable coverage exception.

    • Primary Deductibles Remaining - The unmet portion of the primary insurance plan's deductible that is to be paid by the patient.

    • Primary Insurance Portion Remaining - The estimated primary insurance portion. If the amount is a link, you can click (or tap) it to view the remaining primary plan benefits prior to the primary insurance carrier paying for the charge but after what is expected to be paid by the primary insurance carrier for any outstanding charges listed before this charge.

    • Secondary Allowable Amount - The contracted amount according to the secondary insurance plan's fee schedule.

    • Secondary Coverage, % - The percent covered according to the secondary insurance plan's coverage table. If the percent is a link, you can click (or tap) it to view the applicable coverage exception.

    • Secondary Copayment, $ - The copay according to the secondary insurance plan's coverage table. If the amount is a link, you can click (or tap) it to view the applicable coverage exception.

    • Secondary Deductibles Remaining - The unmet portion of the secondary insurance plan's deductible that is to be paid by the patient.

    • Secondary Insurance Portion Remaining - The estimated secondary insurance portion. If the amount is a link, you can click (or tap) it to view the remaining secondary plan benefits prior to the secondary insurance carrier paying for the charge but after what is expected to be paid by the secondary insurance carrier for any outstanding charges listed before this charge.

    • Credit Adjustment Amount - The total amount of any credit adjustments applied and the estimated write-off adjustment (if applicable).

    • Payments Made - The total amount of any payments (insurance and patient) applied.

    • Patient Portion - The estimated remaining patient portion. This column appears only in the patient view.

    • Guarantor Portion - The estimated remaining guarantor portion. This column appears only in the guarantor view.

    To view a breakdown of adjustments (including the estimated write-off adjustment) and payments for a charge, click (or tap) the charge's description.

    Also for your reference, the following totals appear at the bottom of the list on both tabs:

    • Total unapplied credits - The total amount of any unapplied credits.

    • Total patient portion - The sum of all patient portions. This amount appears only in the patient view.

    • Total guarantor portion - The sum of all guarantor portions. This amount appears only in the guarantor view.


    • Only charges with a remaining balance (insurance and/or patient) appear.

    • The insurance portions, credit adjustments, and payments appear as negative numbers to help make it clear how they affect the patient or guarantor portion—they reduce it.

    • The Patient Portion page and the Guarantor Portion page are also different in the following ways:

      • In the patient view, the charges and corresponding breakdowns are for the patient who is currently selected. However, in the guarantor view, they are for the patient who is currently selected, that patient's guarantor (if different), and all the patients who have that guarantor.

      • In the patient view, the totals at the bottom apply to the patient who is currently selected. However, in the guarantor view, they apply to the patient who is currently selected, that patient's guarantor (if different), and all the patients who have that guarantor.

  2. To return to the Ledger, click (or tap) Back to Ledger.