Setting up insurance defaults

You can set up the default options for insurance claims.


  • Insurance claim defaults are location specific (each location of your organization has its own insurance claim defaults).

  • Setting up insurance defaults requires the "Edit Insurance Defaults" security right.

To set up insurance defaults

  1. If you are not already viewing the correct location, select it on the Location menu.

  2. On the Settings menu, under Production, click (or tap) Insurance Defaults.

    The Insurance Defaults page opens.

  3. Set up the following options:

    • Billing Provider - By default, services will be billed to an insurance plan on behalf of a specific provider (select one), a location in your organization or a business entity (select one, if set up as a billing provider), or the provider who performed the procedures. If you select Provider of Procedures, to handle cases where the provider of a procedure is a secondary provider (for example, a hygienist), make sure that you select the primary provider, location, or entity that you want to use as the alternate billing provider. Only providers who have access to the current location are available.

      With the Warn when scheduling an appointment if the Billing Provider is not contracted with the patient's primary insurance plan switch set to On, a warning symbol and an accompanying message can appear in the following areas of Dentrix Ascend:

      • Next to the primary insurance plan on a patient's Insurance Information page if the patient's primary provider is not contracted with the patient's primary insurance plan.

      • Next to the patient's name on a patient's Appointment Information panel if the appointment provider for a patient's appointment is not contracted with the patient's primary insurance plan.

    • Rendering Provider Type - By default, services will be indicated as having been performed by a specific provider (select one) or the provider who performed the procedures. If you select Provider of Procedures, to handle cases where the provider of a procedure is a secondary provider (for example, a hygienist), select the Use the patient's primary provider if the provider of procedures is not a primary provider checkbox, and then select the primary provider that you want to use as the alternate rendering provider. Only providers who have access to the current location and who are flagged as charting providers are available.

    • Address Where Insurance Payment Should Be Sent - The address where insurance payments will be sent: the address of the location where the services were actually performed, the address of the organization (the address used upon signing up your organization to use Dentrix Ascend; you cannot change this address), or another address (specify one). This address will appear in box 48 on claims.

    • Place of Service Default Location - The default place of service for claims that get created. On a case-by-case basis, you can change the place of service for a claim as needed.

    • Default Authorization Settings for New Subscribers - The default authorization settings (Release of Information and Assignment of Benefits checkboxes) for subscribers who are added to Dentrix Ascend and have insurance attached to their records. Changing these options does not affect existing subscribers in Dentrix Ascend.

  4. Click (or tap) Save.