Processing recurring payments
From the practice dashboard, you can process payments for payment plans that are due for processing through Dentrix Ascend Pay. Alternatively, Dentrix Ascend can process recurring payments automatically if the automation setting for recurring payments has been turned on.
The Payment Plan Report is specific to the location that you are logged in to.
Accessing the Payment Plan Report requires the "Patient Reports" security right.
To process recurring payments
If you are not already viewing the correct location, select it on the Location menu.
On the Home menu, under Location, click (or tap) Overview to open the location's Overview page (dashboard), and then click (or tap) the Unprocessed Recurring Payments box. This box displays the number of payment batches (pending payments with the same due date), the total number of pending payments that are due, and a total amount for those pending payments.
The Payment Plan Report page opens with the Payment Processing tab selected automatically.
Important:The first person to open the Payment Processing tab locks it, meaning only one person can process payments at a time. There is a timer on the first person; the lock comes off when the first user is inactive on the page for more than 15 minutes. A second person could then take over, which would re-lock the tab.
Note: You can also navigate to the Payment Processing tab of the report: on the Home menu, under Reports, click (or tap) Payment Plan Report; and then, on the Payment Plan Report page, select the Payment Processing tab.
The Payment Processing tab lists pending payments but only for payment plans that have a card on file. Also, the pending payments are grouped by due date.
If the automation setting for recurring payments has been turned on, a message appears and indicates that automatic payment processing is active.
The check box of each pending payment that is due is selected by default unless the associated credit card on file has expired (in which case, the checkbox is not available). Clear the checkboxes of any pending payments that you do not want to process at this time. To clear all checkboxes at the same time so you can select specific pending payments, clear the check box in the header next to Guarantor Name; then, select the applicable checkboxes.
Click (or tap) Process Payment.
Each pending payment is processed and posted to the corresponding guarantor's ledger. The progress indicator in the Status column, shows the progress of each transaction.