Printing claims

You can print claims that were created previously but not sent to insurance carriers.

Note: Printing a claim with a Queued status will stop the claim from being sent to the carrier.

To print a claim

  1. Do one of the following:

    • How to get there

      1. On the Home menu, under Insurance, click (or tap) Unsent Claims.

        The Unsent Claims page opens.

      On the Unsent Claims page, click (or tap) a claim. Claims displayed in the color green have a Ready status.

      Important: Fix the problems for claims with a Warning (yellow) and/or Needs Attention (red) status before attempting to print the corresponding claim. To view and edit claim details, click (or tap) a claim.

    • How to get there

      1. If the correct patient is not already selected, use the Patient Search box to access the patient's record.

        Note: You can include inactive patients in the search results by setting the Include inactive patients switch to On.

      2. On the Patient menu, under Insurance, click (or tap) Insurance Claims.

        The patient's Insurance Claims page opens.

      On a patient's Insurance Claims page, click (or tap) a claim with a status of Unsent.

    • How to get there

      1. If the correct patient is not already selected, use the Patient Search box to access the patient's record.

        Note: You can include inactive patients in the search results by setting the Include inactive patients switch to On.

      2. Do one of the following:

        • On the Patient menu, under General, click (or tap) Overview. The patient's Overview page opens. Click (or tap) the Ledger box.

        • On the Patient menu, under Financial, click (or tap) Ledger.

        The patient's Ledger page opens.

      On a patient's Ledger page, click (or tap) a claim with a status of Unsent.

    The Claim Detail dialog box appears.

  2. If the claim does not have any electronic attachments, to create a .pdf file of the claim, which you can print, click (or tap) Print.

    A confirmation message appears.

  3. Click (or tap) Print.