Inactivating providers

You cannot delete a provider once the user account has been created, but you can inactivate the user account of a provider who no longer works for your organization. An inactive provider cannot log in, and his or her name no longer appears wherever providers can be selected. All hours of availability for online booking for an inactive provider are deleted. Also, when you inactivate a provider, the assigned fee schedule is removed from that user account.

Note: To inactivate a primary provider, there must be at least one other active primary provider.

To inactivate a provider

  1. Inactivate the user account for a provider.

    If the provider has been selected anywhere in Dentrix Ascend, the Inactivate Provider dialog box appears; otherwise, ignore the steps that follow.

  2. For each area of Dentrix Ascend listed, select a replacement provider or [None] (if available) as applicable. The number of areas may vary by provider.

    Tip: To quickly select the same provider for all areas, select a provider for the first area, and then click (or tap) Apply To All.

  3. Click (or tap) Inactivate.