Ending insurance coverage for patients

When a patient's insurance coverage expires or is terminated, you can enter an ending date for the coverage period of that plan in his or her patient record. This will affect all patients who are covered under this insurance plan. This will not affect claims already submitted to the corresponding carrier.

Note: Ending insurance coverage for patients requires the "Edit Ins. Plan for Patient" security right.

To end the coverage of a patient's insurance plan

  1. Do one of the following:

    • How to get there

      1. If the correct patient is not already selected, use the Patient Search box to access the patient's record.

        Note: You can include inactive patients in the search results by setting the Include inactive patients switch to On.

      2. On the Patient menu, under General, click (or tap) Overview.

        The patient's Overview page opens.

      On a patient's Overview page, the Insurance box displays the patient's insurance plans. Click (or tap) an insurance Plan link.

    • How to get there

      1. If the correct patient is not already selected, use the Patient Search box to access the patient's record.

        Note: You can include inactive patients in the search results by setting the Include inactive patients switch to On.

      2. On the Patient menu, under Insurance, click (or tap) Insurance Information.

        The patient's Insurance Information page opens.

      On a patient's Insurance Information page, select an insurance plan.

    The options for editing insurance information become available.

  2. Do one of the following:

    • Change the Coverage End date to reflect the date that the plan expired or was terminated, and then click (or tap) Save.

    • To use yesterday's date as the Coverage End date, click (or tap) Remove, and then click (or tap) End Coverage on the confirmation message that appears.

    Note: You cannot save a change in the coverage period if doing so would cause an outstanding claim not to be inside that coverage period. You must resolve the claim before you can change the coverage period.

    A confirmation message appears, reminding you that the Coverage End date will be changed for all patients covered by this insurance plan.

  3. Click (or tap) OK.