Changing acquisition dates of images

You can change the acquisition date of an imported image or series as needed. For example, if you receive image files from a referring dentist, third party, or new patient and then import those images into an Dentrix Ascend Imaging, you may need to change the date of the images to reflect the date that they were acquired originally instead of when you imported them.

To change the acquisition date of an image or series

  1. If the correct patient is not already selected, use the Patient Search box to access the patient's record.

    Note: You can include inactive patients in the search results by setting the Include inactive patients switch to On.

  2. On the Patient menu, under Clinical, click (or tap) Chart, Progress Notes, Quick Exam, Perio, Tx Planner, or Imaging. Then, on the Imaging tab's menu, click (or tap) Show Image History.

    The patient's imaging page opens to the history view. The most recent image, series (such as a full mouth series or bitewings), or set of photos (which was acquired using a custom imaging procedure) is selected by default on the Images tab.

    Note: These steps apply to the Exam view only. If you are using the Modality view, before you can proceed, you must switch to the Exam view. For information about switching to the Exam view, refer to the topic about changing Dentrix Ascend Imaging settings.

  3. Select an image or series (such as a full mouth series or bitewings).

  4. On the corresponding options menu, click (or tap) Change exam date. This option is available only if the image or series was imported.

    The Change Exam Date dialog box appears.

  5. In the box provided, enter the correct date (in a mm/dd/yyyy format) for the exam. Or, click (or tap) the calendar icon to select the correct date from the calendar that appears.

  6. Click (or tap) Change Date.