Changing Dentrix Ascend Imaging settings

You can change general settings for Dentrix Ascend Imaging as needed.

Note: Dentrix Ascend Imaging remembers these user preferences for subsequent sessions.

To change settings

  1. If a patient is not already selected, use the Patient Search box to access any patient's record.

    Note: You can include inactive patients in the search results by setting the Include inactive patients switch to On.

  2. On the Patient menu, under Clinical, click (or tap) Chart, Progress Notes, Quick Exam, Perio, Tx Planner, or Imaging. Then, on the Imaging tab's menu, click (or tap) Show Image History.

    The patient's imaging page opens to the history view. The most recent image, series (such as a full mouth series or bitewings), set of photos (which was acquired using a custom imaging procedure), CAD/CAM scan, or 3D volume is selected by default on the Images tab.

  3. Next to the Images and Tools tabs on the navigation panel, click (or tap) the Settings button .

    The Settings dialog box appears.

  4. Set up any of the following options:

    • Enable Video Acceleration - Determines how images are rendered.

      Note: You may want to enable video acceleration for faster 2D image rendering. Video acceleration leverages WebGL (Web Graphics Library) to enhance the rendering speed of 2D images. WebGL is a JavaScript API based on OpenGL ES, which enables accelerated rendering by offloading processing tasks to the GPU (Graphics Processing Unit). While 3D images already use WebGL for rendering, this setting extends the same technology to 2D images, significantly improving performance for filters and rendering tasks. By default, 2D video acceleration is turned off to ensure compatibility with hardware that does not support WebGL. If your computer's hardware is incompatible, enabling 2D video acceleration could result in a black screen. With compatible hardware, enabling 2D video acceleration provides a smoother, faster rendering experience for 2D images.

    • Use Modality View - Determines which imaging workflow is active: the traditional template or exam-based workflow (Exam view) or the modality or anatomical workflow (SuperFMX/Modality View).

    • Load full size images in templates - Determines the size of images when you view an entire series.

      Note: This checkbox is selected by default to ensure that annotations and AI findings are visible in the template/series view.

  5. Click (or tap) Confirm.