Questionnaires overview
The Questionnaires module is one of the Dentrix components that can help your office go paperless. You can use the Questionnaires module to store the same information that is included on new patient forms, health history updates, and other forms used in your office to collect information from patients. Plus, you can use the Questionnaires module to create a custom set of questions for your patients so that information specific to each patient is stored in that patient's Dentrix file. You can even create provider- and staff-specific questionnaires to store important provider and staff information in your files.
You can sign, date, and lock a questionnaire form. If you are using eCentral, you can upload questionnaires to your practice website so that patients can access them from and fill them out on any computer.
To learn more, click the following links:
· Opening the Questionnaires module
· Creating questionnaire forms
· Attaching digital signatures