Communicating with your patients is important, but it can also be expensive and time-consuming. The Web-enabled Correspondence Center simplifies that process and saves you time and money. The Correspondence Center helps you automate your email appointment reminders and newsletters. It also lets you export patient information from Dentrix and upload it directly into the Correspondence Center.
Before you can use eCentral to send notices and reminders to your patients, you must set up your patients in the Family File and the DXWeb toolbar.
To set up your patients
1. In the DXWeb Toolbar, click Settings, and then from the submenu, click Patient Setup.
If you do not have a patient selected, the Select Patient dialog box appears. Select a patient to continue. If you have a patient selected, the Patient Settings dialog box appears.
2. Patients must sign a Web Consent form allowing you to post their information to your website. Type the appropriate Web Consent Date or click the calendar and select the date the patient signed the consent form.
DXWeb installs a consent form letter on the server in the Letter Template Path specified in the Preferences dialog box.
Note: To find the letter, from the Office Manager, click Maintenance, point to Practice Setup,and then click Preferences. Select the Paths tab and note the Letter Template Path. Follow this path in Word to find webcsnt.doc. You can add the template as a Quick Letter.
3. Type a secondary email address if the patient wants correspondence delivered to an email address other than the primary one. Select the address you want to use for email correspondence.
4. Select the ways the patient would like to receive correspondence:
· Send Account Update E-mail - Notifies the patient through the patient’s private email address that information has been posted to the doctor’s website. This email message also contains a link to the office website. It includes user names and passwords for patients to access their patient information.
· E-mail Correspondence - Sends correspondence (newsletters, reminder cards, and so on) to the patient’s email address.
· Text Message Correspondence - Sends correspondence (appointment reminders) to the patient’s cell phone via text message.
· Appointment Information - Sends appointment information and electronic appointment reminders, Continuing Care reminders, or any communications to the office website.
· Treatment Plans - Sends an electronic copy of the patient’s treatment plan to the office website.
· Account Information - Sends an electronic copy of the family’s account information to the office website.
· Info to Referred Dr. - Sends referral information to the office’s web page for the Referred To doctor if the patient falls within the parameters in the Referral Upload Setup. If you do not select this option, The patient is skipped during the referral upload.
5. Type the password information:
· User ID - Automatically entered if a patient is selected. You can change the User ID, but it must be unique.
· Password - Automatically entered if a patient is selected. You can change the password.
· Use Guarantor’s User ID and Password - Select to use the same user name and password entered for the guarantor for this family member.
· Reset Password - Click to reassign a password to any patient.
6. To save your changes, click OK.