Referral Upload

You can use eCentral to send electronic referral email message to other dental professionals. You can also use eCentral to accept patient referrals and upload them. Referrals are uploaded and email messages are sent during the WebSync process.


Include Patient Referrals

In the Include Patient Referrals group box, select the amount of time that can have elapsed since the patient created the referral. For example, to upload all patient referrals that have been entered in the last week, select 7 Day(s).

Select Skip Referrals Already Uploaded to skip patient referrals that have been entered within the specified date range but have already been uploaded.

Patient Chart Information

In the Patient Chart Information group box, select the chart information you want to include in the upload. You can Include the Last Perio Exam Date and/or Health History.

Insurance Information

In the Insurance Information group box, select the insurance information you want to include in the upload. You can Include Dental Insurance and/or Medical Insurance.

Referring Provider

In the Referring Provider group box, select Use Patient’s Prov1 to upload the referred patient’s primary provider listed in the Family File. To select a specific provider, select Use Provider and select the appropriate provider from the drop-down list.

Progress Notes

In the Progress Notes group box, select the progress notes you want to include in the upload. Select Do Not Include Progress Notes if you do not want to upload the patient’s progress notes from the Chart. If you want to include these notes, select Include Progress Notes.

Enter a date span using the spin box to select a numeric value and the drop-down menu to select Year(s) ago, Month(s) ago, Week(s) ago, or Day(s) ago. Only Progress Notes that fall within this date span will be included.

Select the notes you want to include. You can include:

·        Completed

·        Procedure Notes

·        Existing

·        Clinical Notes

·        Conditions

·        Treatment Plan

If you select Include Treatment Plan, select Include Entire Treatment Plan or Include Only Treatment Plan for Referred Dr.

Referral Note

Type a referral note in the Referral Note group box. Select Include Referral Note in e-mail to include the note in the email to the doctor you are sending the referral to.