After you send your claims you will get two reports in your Batch Processor: the eClaims Pre-submission Summary and the eClaims Transmission Report. The transmission report includes several important pieces of information.
Watch this video to learn how to view and interpret the transmission reports that accompany a claims submission. (Duration 2:33)
Key Information
Delete the claims you have already sent from the Batch Processor so you don't accidentally send them twice.
Review the Pre-Submission Summary and uncheck claims that are not ready to be sent because they have a status of Warning or Rejected.
Always view the Transmission Report, and make sure you look through all the included reports.
Confirmation Report - Allows you to see that the claims you submitted went through correctly or be notified of any problems with the claims. If you have added a new provider but haven't notified eServices, you will see New POL on this report.
Attachment Status Report - Allows you to see that your attachments were sent correctly. A few days after you submit an attachment you will receive an Attachment Status Report that includes an NEA number for the attachment.
Payor/Clearinghouse Report - Allows you to see the status messages received from the insurance companies or their clearinghouses that are processing the claims you submitted. This report shows you what has happened to the claim since it left your office.
Billing Statement - This is an itemized statement showing you all of the claims you submitted during the last billing period. It is broken down by insurance company so you can see who you are sending claims to most often.
Passthrough Report - This patient-specific report shows you an estimate of what the insurance company is going to pay towards your claim so you know what the patient's out of pocket total will be.
Network News - This report include announcements from Henry Schein about eClaims, including new insurance companies who are now accepting electronic claims or attachments and new payor IDs.