You need to make sure your insurance information is set up correctly in
Dentrix in order to successfully send electronic claims and avoid claim
Watch this video to learn how to set up insurance plans in Dentrix to
include all the information that is required for electronic claims
submission. (Duration 2:48)
Key Information
You must have the correct spelling of the full name and birth date
entered in the Family File for both the subscriber and the patient.
You must enter the Subscriber ID number for the subscriber.
Selecting "Other" as a subscriber relationship will cause claims to be
rejected. Even if the patient is 18 years old or older, if they are
covered under their parents' insurance they need to have the status of
"child" in the Family File.
If you are working with an insurance company that does not use group
names, you can copy the employer information into the
Group Plan field in the
Insurance Plan Information dialog box. Then, check
the Do Not Include Group Plan Name check box so the
employer name doesn't print on the claim.
If you are using one of the Delta Dental plans or Blue Cross Blue
Shield plans, make sure to include the state that it is associated
with (e.g. Blue Cross Blue Shield of TX).
The payor ID you use in the
Dental Insurance Plan Information dialog box is the
one from the clearinghouse, not from the insurance company. Click on
the search button to see a list of payor IDs.
You must fill out the insurance information for each insurance plan
accepted by your practice.