You can configure standard booking reasons for patients to select when booking an appointment. There are two ways to set up booking reasons:
· Single booking reasons - Allows you to add or create a single new booking reason (see Setting up single booking reasons).
· Multiple booking reasons - Allows you to add or create multiple new booking reasons at once (see the steps below).
To set up multiple Booking Reasons
2. Click Leads.
3. Under Leads, click Online Booking, and then click Booking Settings.
4. Click the Booking Reasons tab.
5. In the top right corner, click Create New, and then click Multiple Booking Reasons.
6. Under What booking reasons do you offer?, select the booking reasons you want to offer to your patients when booking an online appointment (you must select at least one).
The selections appear in the list:
7. When finished, click Next.
8. Under Provide some details about these booking reasons, select which patients can book this type of appointment (New Patients and/or Returning Patients), and specify how long this type of appointment will take (in minutes).
· You can select the check box next to Apply to All Booking Reasons to select a booking type (New Patients/Returning Patients) for all booking reasons you are making available.
· You can click Add a New Reason to add a new reason to this list.
· You can click the delete icon next to a booking reason to remove it from the list.
9. When finished, click Next.
10. Under Select which operatories you perform these booking reasons in, select the individual operatories you want associated with these procedures.
11. When finished, click Next.
12. Under Select which providers perform these booking reasons, select the providers that will perform these procedures.
13. When finished, click Next.
14. Review all of the booking reasons you've set up, making any needed changes, and clicking Next after each one.
15. When finished reviewing all of the booking reasons you have set up, click Submit.