You can configure standard Booking Reasons for patients to select when booking an appointment. There are two ways to set up booking reasons:
· Single booking reasons - Allows you to add or create a single new booking reason (see the steps below).
· Multiple booking reasons - Allows you to add or create multiple new booking reasons at once (see Setting up multiple booking reasons).
To set up single Booking Reasons
2. Click Leads.
3. Under Leads, click Online Booking, and then click Booking Settings.
4. Click the Booking Reasons tab.
5. Do one of the following:
· In the top right corner, click + Create New , and then click Single Booking Reason.
· Click Edit next to an existing booking reason to edit the reason.
6. Configure the General Info settings:
· Booking Reason Name - The name you assign for this booking reason, such as "New Patient Exam."
· Booking Reason Description - A more descriptive name for this booking reason (that may include procedures, such as "Comprehensive exam & X-rays").
· Allow Booking for - Lets you specify whether this reason is strictly for a New Patient, Returning Patient, or a Recall patient.
7. Configure the Booking Rules settings:
· Advanced Booking - Select this option to require patients to book a minimum number of business days in advance, and then specify the number of days.
· Duration - Specify the number of minutes this booking reason will take.
8. Configure the Resources settings:
· Add Resources - This is a list of operatories that are already configured in practice management system and Patient Engage. To edit the list, click the desired operatory and do any of the following:
§ Click
the Edit icon , make changes to the provider's schedule,
and click Done when finished.
§ Click
the Delete icon next to any provider schedule you
want to delete; at the confirmation prompt, click Delete.
§ Click Add Provider(s), use the three screens to add and configure the new provider (clicking Continue to move to the next screen), and then click Done.
· Add Operatory - Use this option to add and configure a new operatory.
9. Under Booking Sources, for each provider in the list, select sources where that provider should be available for patients to select for an online booking appointment.
10. Under Special Instruction, type any instructions you want patients to see when they've finished booking their appointment (400 character limit).
11. Under Cancellation Policy, type your practice's online booking cancellation policy that you want patients to see when they've finished booking their appointment (400 character limit).
12. Click Save.