You can create Custom Plans to send reminders for specific procedures. For instance, you can customize reminders specifically for Clients with wellness appointments.
To create a custom reminder plan
2. From the Dentrix Hub toolbar, click Appointments.
3. Under Appointments, click Reminder Settings.
4. Click + Create New.
5. Under Reminder Name, type the name of your customized plan.
6. Click Procedures and select the procedures that will receive this reminder.
Note: Begin typing the name of the procedure to show and filter the list of procedures.
7. To edit your communications, follow the steps in Editing an appointment reminder.
8. Click Save Plan.
9. Turn on your customized plan.
To set multiple-procedure appointments
Patients who fall under two plans will not receive reminders from both. You can decide which set of reminders your patients will receive if they have multiple procedures scheduled.
You can adjust them through your hierarchy settings
Note: Your patient will only receive one set of reminders.
2. From the Dentrix Hub toolbar, click Appointments.
3. Under Appointments, click Reminder Settings.
4. Click the gear icon in the top right corner next to + Create New..
5. Click
the pencil icon on the top right corner.
6. Click and drag each plan to reorder its priority.
7. Click Save.
Note: Newly added plans are automatically assigned with the highest priority.
To manage your patient alerts
You can include customized messages for patients with specific needs, such as a pre-medication, by inserting a block of text into their appointment reminder.
2. From the Dentrix Hub toolbar, click Appointments.
3. Under Appointments, click Reminder Settings.
4. Click Manage Patient Alerton the top right.
5. Click Create Patient Alert.
6. Click either Insert Alert Message or Set Arrive Early Time.
To insert an alert message
1. Click the Name box and type the name for your alert (this is for internal purposes only).
2. Click the Message box and type the alert messages exactly as you want them to appear in the email.
Note: In order to comply with HIPAA, do not include any protected health information in your alert message.
3. Click the Recipients box and enter the keyword or phrase exactly as you entered them in the alert field in your management system or the note you created in your portal, including punctuation or lack of it. We will use this to determine which patients need your alert message inserted in their reminders.
4. Click Save.
To set an arrive early time
1. Click the Name box and type the name for your alert (this is for internal purposes only).
2. Click the Time menu and select how much earlier your patients should arrive before their appointment time.
3. Click the Recipients box and enter the keyword or phrase exactly as you entered them in the alert field in your practice management system or the note you created in your portal, including punctuation or lack of it. We will use this to determine which patients need your alert message inserted in their reminders.
4. Click Save.
Note: the “Arrive Early” patient alert will not change the original appointment time, it will only let patients know to arrive earlier for their appointment.