Business information

On the Business Information page, you can view and update the information that patients can view about your practice.

To access the Business information page

1.   Log in to Patient Engage.

2.   From the Dentrix Hub toolbar, click Settings.

3.   Under Contact Information, click Business Information.

4.   To change any information, click Edit (in the top right corner), make the needed changes, and then click Save.


The Business Information page includes the following information:

Business Information

·        Account ID - The account ID associated with the practice.

·        External ID - An additional ID associated with the practice (if used).

·        Name - The name of the practice.

·        Address - The address of the practice.

·        Description - A description of the practice (if desired).

·        Logo - The practice logo.

·        Phone - The practice phone number.

·        Fax - The practice fax number.

·        Email - The practice email address.

·        Email Alias - The practice email alias (if one is used).

·        Website - The practice website address.

·        Kiosk Checkin - The URL for the practice kiosk checkin.

·        New Patient Journey - The URL for the new patient forms.

·        Patient Portal URL - The URL for the patient information portal.

·        Web Alias - The website's alias (if used).

·        Business Type - The type of dental practice (such as Dental, Endodontics, Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, Orthodontics, Pediatric Dentistry, Periodontics, or Prosthodontics)

·        Timezone - Your practice's time zone (such as Pacific, Central, Mountain, or Eastern).

·        Languages Spoken - Languages spoken in your practice.

·        Insurance Accepted - Insurance plans accepted.
Tip: If you accept most insurance plans, click Edit and select Most insurance accepted to reduce the length of the list that appears.

·        Payment Accepted - Payment types accepted, such as check, cash, Visa, Mastercard, etc.

·        Services Offered - A list of services your practice offers.

·        Accreditations #1 - The primary professional accreditations of the person associated with this account.

·        Accreditations #2 - Any secondary professional accreditations of the person associated with this account.

·        Accreditations #3 - Any tertiary professional accreditations of the person associated with this account.

Local Business Settings - The URL or link to your practice's business presence on each of these social media pages:

·        Facebook

·        Twitter

·        Pinterest

·        Instagram

·        YellowPages

·        Bing

·        Yelp

·        Yahoo! 

·        Google

·        Citysearch 

·        LinkedIn

For more information, see Setting up Reputation Builder for reviews.