

Adding and editing a phone numbers

You can add an unlimited number of phone numbers. You can also edit a phone number as needed.

To add or edit a phone number

1.   On the Communications tab, under Phone, do one of the following:

·        To add a new phone number, click the Add icon .

·        To edit an existing phone number, select a phone number, and then click the Edit icon .

The Add Phone (or Edit Phone) dialog box appears.

2.   Set up the following options:

·        Type – Select the type of phone number you are adding.

·        Number – Type the phone number.

·        Show on “General” tab – Select an option to specify which address you want this phone number to be associated with on the General tab: Mailing Primary, Mailing Secondary, Billing Primary, or No.

·        Contact – Type the first name, middle initial, and last name of the contact person.

·        Emergency Contact – Select this check box if the contact person is an emergency contact for the patient.

·        Comments – Type any comments regarding the phone number.

·        Export to TeleVox - Select this option if you want to export this phone number for TeleVox to use for appointment reminders.

3.   Click OK.


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