Notes tab
You can access a patient's notes and information to track on the Notes tab of the Patient Information Center.
The Notes tab contains the following side tabs:
· Markers - You can filter your reports by unique marker categories that are created for your office. The markers have a name, description, creation date, and termination date. An alert to indicate a patient has a marker shows wherever alerts are shown. In the Patient Lookup dialog box, a blue box appears next to the names of those patients who have markers attached. You can add, delete, and set and clear the termination date for a marker.
· Contact Notes - You can record conversations you and other office staff have with patients as contact notes. You can use contact notes to keep communication with patients consistent. You can add, delete, and print a contact note.
· Claim Status Notes - You can record and view notes about the status of insurance claims. To enter a claim status note, right-click a transaction in the Ledger (or use the Billing Summary Screen).
· Medical Rx - You can print and track prescriptions for patients. You can add, delete, print, and filter the view of medical prescriptions.
· Special Notes - You can create and attach special notes to a patient and have those notes appear in a variety of places. You can add, delete, and set and clear the termination date for a special note.
· Progress Notes - You can link progress notes to ADA codes in order for the progress notes to be added automatically to each patient's record. You can add, delete, lock, and check the spelling of progress notes. You can also attach narratives to a patient.
· Reminder Notes - You can create patient-specific reminder notes for the tickler file. You can edit, add, delete, and print a reminder note.
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