

Adding and editing cases

If an EHR case hasn't been created already for the patient's current appointment, the Edit EHR Case Header dialog box appears when you open EHR; otherwise, you can add another case at any time. Also, you can edit a case that is not locked.

To add a case header

1.   In the Cases section of EHR, do one of the following:

·        To add a case header, click New.

·        To edit an existing case header, select a case header, and then click View.

The Edit EHR Case Header dialog box appears with the created date at the top.

2.   Set up the following options:

·        Dates - Type the Start, Exam, Tx Started, Tx. Completed, and Recall dates for the case.

·        Case Type - Select a case type.

Tip: To edit the list, click the Edit List link. Select the items to include. Click the Add Item button to add a new item. You can also delete an unused item (if you try to delete an item that is in use, a message appears and asks if you want to inactivate the item instead). Click Exit.

·        Provider - Select a provider.

·        Template - The template you want to use to begin filling out the case information.

·        Comments - Type any comments about the case.

·        Chief Complaint - Type the patient's description of why he or she is in the office for treatment, such as, "My back tooth hurts" (do not include the quotation marks).

Note: This field is used for risk management purposes. Also, once saved, this information will be displayed with quotation marks to indicate that these are the patient's own words.

·        History of Present Illness - Type any notes regarding the history of the patient's chief complaint, such as how long the patient has had a tooth ache.

Tip: You can double-click in the Comments, Chief Complaint, and History of Present Illness areas to open the Phrases dialog box where you can create, save, and insert EHR phrases you use on a regular basis.

3.   Click OK.


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