

Using voice commands

The following tips can help you use voice recognition with ClinicalVision more effectively:

·        GUI - Every GUI item (for example, a link, button, or check box) has a corresponding voice command. The name of the GUI item as it appears is the name the speech recognition engine recognizes.

·        Recognized commands - When a command is recognized, you will see it displayed in a small box on the screen. If you do not see the command displayed soon after speaking the command, then it might not have been recognized. Try saying it again.

·        Teeth - Say "Tooth" followed by the tooth number or letter.

·        Surfaces - Say "Surface" followed by the surface letter.

·        Roots - Say "Root" followed by the root letter.

·        Tooth Range - Say "From X to Y," where X is the first tooth, and Y is the second tooth in the range.

·        Bridge Tooth Type - Say "Type" followed by the type. (for example, "Type Pontic")

·        Commands with punctuation - The voice commands do not support punctuation. Leave out any punctuation present.

·        Perio navigation:

·        To jump to a specific tooth during perio exam say, "Tooth X," where X is the number or letter of the correct tooth.

·        To jump to a specific surface of the current tooth, say the name of the surface (for example, "Mesial").

·        Buttons that do not have words:

·        Periodontal Navigation - >> "Navigation Move Right"

·        Periodontal Navigation - << "Navigation Move Left"

·        Periodontal Dir - >> or << "Change Advance Direction"

·        Page - >> "Next Page"

·        Page - << "Previous Page"

·        Skip Tooth (Restorative) - >> "Skip"

·        Fractions:

·        "Half"

·        1 "One and a half"

·        2 "Two and a half"

·        Crown "Three quarter crown"

·        Abbreviated words:

·        Existing Tx "Existing Treatment"

·        Perm/Prim "Permanent Primary"

·        Tipped "Tipped Tooth"

·        Over/Under Cntr "Over Under Contoured"

·        Retain "Retained Root"

·        Spce Maint "Space Maintainer"

·        Ling Splnt "Lingual Splint"

·        Cast P&C "Cast Post and Core"

·        Prefab P&C "Prefab Post and Core"

·        Apico "Apicoectomy"

·        Retro "Retrograde"

·        Suppr "Suppuration"

·        Seq "Sequence"


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