Easy Dental

Setting up provider IDs

Some insurance plans have their own ID numbers for providers, which they need for claims instead of or in addition to the state ID number or provider number. Clicking Provider ID Setup lets you cross-link multiple IDs to a provider and insurance company, which ensures that the correct ID prints on each insurance claim.

Note: When you are using passwords, you must have rights to “Provider ID Setup” to access Provider ID Setup.

To set up a provider ID

1.   In the Provider Information dialog box, click Provider ID Setup.

The Select Dental Insurance Plan dialog box appears.

Note: If the provider has not been saved, you are prompted to do so before continuing.

2.   If appropriate, select List Only Insurance Plans with Provider IDs Setup for this Provider.

3.   Select the appropriate insurance plan, and then click OK.

The Provider ID Setup dialog box appears.

4.   To add a provider ID, do the following:

·        Select the appropriate Provider ID Code from the list.

·        Type the Provider ID Number.

·        Click Add.

5.   To change a provider ID, do the following:

·        Select the provider ID that you want to change from the list.

·        Make the appropriate changes in the Provider ID Code and Provider ID Number fields.

·        Click Change.

A message appears.

·        Click Yes to apply the changes.

6.   To delete a provider ID, do the following:

·        Select the provider ID that you want to delete from the list.

·        Click Delete.

A message appears.

·        Click Yes to remove the provider ID.

7.   To clear provider IDs, do the following:

·        Click Clear Provider IDs.

The Clear Provider IDs for <Provider> dialog box appears.

·        Select one of the following options, and then click OK.

·        For this Insurance Plan – Deletes all IDs for the current provider and insurance plan.

·        For all Insurance Plans with this Payor ID – Deletes all IDs for the current provider and any insurance plan with the listed payor ID number. A message appears displaying the total number of plans affected.

·        For ALL Insurance Plans – Deletes all IDs for the current provider for all insurance plans.

8.   To copy a provider ID, do the following:

·        Click Copy Provider IDs.

A message appears.

·        To copy the current provider and insurance plan to all other insurance plans with the same payor ID, click Yes.