Easy Dental

Printing perio charts and letters

In the Easy Dental Perio Chart, you can print a variety of different charts and letters to document periodontal exam information.

To print a perio chart or a letter

Note: If you are currently viewing the exam that you want to print, skip to step 4.

1.   In the Chart, select a patient.

2.   In the Chart toolbar, click Perio.

The Perio Chart window appears.

3.   In the Perio Chart toolbar, click Open Exam.

The Perio Chart Open dialog box appears.

4.   Select the exam that you want to open, and then click OK.

The selected exam information appears.

5.   In the Perio Chart toolbar, click Print Perio Reports.

The Perio Print Selections dialog box appears.


6.   Select any of the following reports that you want to print:

·        Insurance Consultant - Prints a letter that you can send to an insurance carrier as documentation of a periodontal disease diagnosis.

·        Patient File - Prints a document that you can place in the patient’s chart that documents the perio diagnosis for the selected exam.

·        Patient Initial - Prints a letter that you can send to patients reminding them of a perio diagnosis and suggesting home care aids.

·        Patient Progress - Prints a follow-up letter that you can send to patients to update them on their perio status.

·        Patient Completion - Prints a congratulatory letter that you can send to patients on the completion of their perio treatment. The letter also contains several helpful reminders to aid patients in maintaining their perio health.

·        Referring Dentist Initial - Prints a letter that you can send to the referring dentist as documentation of a periodontal disease diagnosis.

·        Referring Dentist Progress - Prints a letter that contains updated diagnostic information for the referring dentist.

·        Referring Dentist Completion - Prints a letter that contains final diagnostic information and explains that the patient should be returning to the referring dentist for general dental care.

Note: All letters require Microsoft Word on the workstation from which they are printed.

·        Data Chart - Prints the data chart.

·        Pocket Depths Only - Prints the data chart, but only includes pocket depths.

·        Exam Comparison - Prints the exam comparison chart. This option is only available when you are viewing an exam comparison.

7.   Click Print.