Setting new patient appointments
Using the Patient Banner, you can create a new patient and set an appointment for that patient without opening the Schedule module.
To set a new patient appointment
1. To create a new patient, in the Patient Banner, click the Create New Patient icon, and then click New Family.
The Add New Patient dialog box appears.
2. To set a new patient appointment, do the following:
· Click the Primary provider text box, and then select the provider from the list, or assign a provider using Advanced Search.
· Type the patient's first and last names.
3. Click Save & Create Appointment.
The New Appointment Information dialog box and the Schedule appear.
4. Under Reason, click Initial.
The Select Initial Reasons dialog box appears.
5. Select one or more reasons for the appointment from the list, and then click OK.
Under Reason, the appointment reasons you selected appear, a short description appears in the Desc: text box, and the length and the amount associated with the appointment reasons appear in their respective boxes.
6. Do the following:
· Op: – Select an operatory.
· Date: – Type or select a date.
7. Click OK.
Important: If another appointment is scheduled for the operatory and time that you have selected, an error message appears, click OK to close the message, and then set another operatory and/or time.