Easy Dental

Adding treatment by using the procedure buttons

In Easy Dental, you can add treatment by using the procedure buttons when a procedure is assigned to a procedure button.

To add treatment by using the procedure buttons

1.   Select a patient.

2.   If necessary, change the patient's provider.

Note: By default, all treatments posted in the Chart are assigned to the patient’s primary provider.

3.   If the treatment requires a tooth number, click the appropriate tooth in the graphic chart.

4.   Click a procedure button.

If the procedure requires additional information, such as surfaces or quadrants, the Surface Selection dialog box appears.

5.   Select the appropriate treatment areas, click Add, and then click OK

Note: The procedure codes are updated automatically to reflect your surface selections.

For example, if you click the Amalgam-1 surf. prim/perm procedure button, and then enter three surfaces, the three surface codes are posted to Chart and Accounts.

6.   Click the appropriate status button for the procedure you are entering:

·        Existing – To enter existing work performed by a provider within your practice.

·        Tx Plan (Treatment Plan) – To enter recommended treatment for a patient.

·        Complete – To enter completed work and conditions for a patient.

·        + (Auto-State) – To enter treatment and quickly assign several procedures the same status. After you click Auto-State (+), the next procedure status button that you select remains selected until you select one of the other three procedure status buttons. If the button has a minus sign (-), auto-state is enabled.


·        If you use a charting symbol in conjunction with the posted procedure, Easy Dental adds the procedure to the graphic chart and the progress notes.

·        All completed work posted in the Chart automatically posts to Accounts, and the appropriate charges are listed on the patient’s account.