Easy Dental

Splitting payments between providers

Splitting payments is very important if you track individual provider collections. Viewing collections by provider is essential if you base productivity bonuses and salaries on collections. Even if you do not currently use collection information to manage your practice, you may need to do so in the future. Failing to spilt payments by provider throughout your database can result in collection discrepancies in the thousands of dollars. To avoid creating a collections imbalance, use the split payment feature consistently.

To split payments between providers

1.   Select a patient.

2.   In the Accounts toolbar, click Enter Payment.

The Enter Payment dialog box appears.


3.   Type the payment Amount and the Check # (if applicable).

The information you enter here appears on all deposit slips.

4.   Select a payment type from the Type list.

Note: You can add to or alter payment types. See Working with practice definitions for more information.

5.   To split the payment, select the primary treatment provider, and then click Split Payment.

The Split Payment dialog box appears.

6.   Click Add Provider.

The Select Provider dialog box appears.

7.   Select the provider you want to split the payment with from the list, and click OK.

8.   Click one of the following:

·        Manual – To pay a specific portion of the payment to a specific provider.

·        % – To divide the payment among the providers according to the provider’s percentage of the total amount owed.

·        FIFO (First In First Out) – To direct the payment toward the oldest completed procedures first. Easy Dental applies adjustments, finance charges, and late charges first regardless of date.

·        Acct Est – To apply the payment to the provider who has a balance as an account portion. This option ignores balances for providers that Easy Dental estimates insurance will pay remaining balances to.

·        = – To split the payment amount equally between providers with a balance.

9.   Click OK/Post.

Note: If you selected one or more providers, the split payment only applies to the selected providers.