Easy Dental

Viewing account details

Account detail contains the following information:

·        Billing type

·        Guarantor’s last payment amount and date

·        Last insurance payment amount and date

·        Last billing statement date

·        Total amount billed to insurance that is still outstanding

·        Amount expected from insurance

·        Estimated account portion of the balance

·        Today's charges

·        Estimated insurance portion (for today)

·        Estimated patient portion (for today)

·        Payment plan information including the monthly payment, amount past due, payment due, and due date

·        Future due payment plan information including the original balance, the remaining balance, payment amount, and due date

To view account details

1.   Select a patient.

2.   In the Accounts toolbar, click View Account Detail.

The Account Detail pane appears at the bottom of the Accounts module.


Note: Once you click View Account Detail, account details appear for all subsequent patients until you click the button again.