Easy Dental

Running month-end updates

You can close out your books each month. Every time you perform a month-end update, the balance forward item for every account is adjusted automatically. Balance forward reflects the total outstanding balance of the family’s history transactions.

To run a month-end update

1.   In the Accounts toolbar, click Month End, and then click Update.

The Close Out Month dialog box appears.



·        When you select Update, each account balance is aged and all completed procedures, payments, adjustments, and received insurance claims that were entered during the previous month are placed into history.

·        The date in the Close Out Month field defaults to the month immediately following the last month that was closed out. This date is used as the date for the new balance forward and as the cutoff for history transactions.

2.   To purge all appointments in the Schedule module prior to the cutoff date, select Appointment Purge.

This date defaults to one year from the current date.

3.   To reset benefits for insurance carriers with the appropriate renewal date, select Reset Insurance Benefits.

4.   To begin the update, click OK.

A reminder to back up the database displays, and if another Easy Dental module is open at any workstation, that message also displays.

 If all modules are closed except on one workstation, the Running Update dialog box appears showing a count as each account is processed.

Important: Before running update, back up your Easy Dental database. If the computer is turned off or if a power outage occurs during the update, your files may be damaged. In these cases, as well as cases of user input error, you can restore your data to its original state before the update begins. This also applies to processing finance charges and future due payment plans.