Deleting finance charges
You can delete finance charges from a few accounts only and those posted on a specific date.
To delete finance charges from a few accounts only
1. In the Accounts toolbar, click Select Patient, and then select the patient whose finance charge you want to delete.
2. Open the patient’s Accounts transaction log, double-click the finance charge, and then click Delete.
To delete the finance charges posted on a certain date
1. In the Accounts toolbar, click Month End, point to Finance Charge, and then click Delete Finance Charge.
The Delete Finance Charges dialog box appears.
2. Type the date of the finance charges that you want to delete.
All finance charges on all accounts with this date will be deleted.
3. Click OK.
A verification message appears.
4. Click OK to delete the finance charges or Cancel to return to the Delete Finance Charges dialog box without completing the deletion.