You can export a C-CDA (Consolidated-Clinical Document Architecture) file that you can upload to Patient Portal for a patient to view online or share with another healthcare professional. The C-CDA file contains a summary of a patient's clinical information: vital signs, plan of care, procedures, immunizations, problems, reason for visit, allergies, medications, medications administered, instructions, social history, and results.
To learn where that clinical information comes from in Dentrix Enterprise, refer to the Populating C-CDA files topic.
Accessing a patient's health exchange requires the "Patient Health Exchange, Open" security right.
To export a patient's health information
With a patient selected in Family File, Chart, or Ledger, do one of the following:
the Patient Health Exchange button
on the toolbar.
On the File menu, click Patient Health Exchange.
If applicable, do one of the following:
If the Patient Health Exchange, Open dialog box appears, user verification has been assigned to the "Patient Health Exchange, Open" task. Do one of the following:
If your user account has been granted the "Patient Health Exchange, Open" security right, enter your credentials in the User ID and Password boxes, and then click OK.
If your user account has not been granted the "Patient Health Exchange, Open" security right, have a user with permission temporarily override this restriction so you can access a patient's health exchange this one time. The overriding user enters his or her credentials in the User ID and Password boxes and then clicks OK.
If a message appears, informing you that you do not have rights to this operation, your user account has not been granted the "Patient Health Exchange, Open" security right. To have a user with permission temporarily override this restriction so you can access a patient's health exchange this one time, do the following:
On the message, click Yes.
In the Patient Health Exchange, Open dialog box, the overriding user enters his or her credentials in the User ID and Password boxes and then clicks OK.
The Patient Health Exchange dialog box appears.
Select the Export tab.
To select the location where you want to save the .html file (a file that is human readable) and, if applicable, the C-CDA file (an .xml file that is computer readable), do the following:
Next to Export Patient File To, click Browse.
The Browse For Folder dialog box appears.
Select a folder.
Click OK.
Set up the following options as needed:
Document Type to Export - To specify which type of document to export, select one of the following options: Clinical Summary - For Patient (CS) or Transition of Care - For Referral (TC).
Related Referral - If you are exporting a transition of care summary, a related referral is required. To select an outbound referral to associate with the import, do the following:
Click the Related
Referral search button .
Note: Accessing a patient's referrals requires the "Patient Referral, Open" security right.
The Select Referral Acts dialog box appears.
If the correct referral does not appear in the list, to add a referral, click New. The Patient Referrals dialog box appears so you can manage the patient's referrals. When you are finished adding a referral, return to the Select Referral Acts dialog box.
In the list, select the correct referral.
Click OK.
Export the following formats:
HTML (Human Readable) - This check box is always selected and cannot be cleared. An .html file (a file that is human readable) will be exported.
XML (Data File) - To export an .xml file (a file that is computer readable), select this checkbox. If the Transition of Care - For Referral (TC) option is selected, the XML (Data File) checkbox is selected automatically, but you can clear it if you do not want to export an .xml file.
C-CDA Version - From the list, select the desired format for the data being exported: v1.1 or v2.1 (the default).
Note - Enter any notes that you want to attach to the export. Notes are only for your reference and are not included in the text of the file.
Disable Export Encryption - Select or clear this checkbox:
With this checkbox clear, the file will be encrypted with AES encryption, and a password that you specify will be required to open the file.
With this checkbox selected, the file will not be encrypted.
Note: Clearing this checkbox requires the "Patient Health Exchange, Disable Export Encryption" security right.
Do one of the following:
If a summary has not already been exported on the current date, and the patient has declined the clinical summary, click Patient Declined CS. On the confirmation message that appears, click Yes. Ignore the remaining steps.
Click Export. Proceed to the next step.
Do one of the following:
If you are exporting a clinical summary, the Clinical Summary Options dialog box appears.
Do the following:
To specify the date of the visit that you want to export information for, do one of the following:
Enter a date (in a m/d/yyyy format) in the box.
To select a date, do the following:
Click the corresponding calendar icon to view a month calendar.
Navigate to the correct month using the left and right arrows.
Note: To quickly change the year and month, click the month-year at the top of the calendar, navigate to the correct year using the left and right arrows, and then click the correct month.
Click the correct day.
Under Select Items to Include, to specify what information you want to include in the summary, do any of the following as needed:
In the list, click a selected item to deselect it. Information that corresponds to the deselected item will not be included.
In the list, click a deselected item to select it. Information that corresponds to the selected item will be included.
Note: To quickly select all items, click Select All. To quickly deselect all items, click Clear All.
To save your selections in the list for the next time you access this dialog box, click Save As Default.
Click Generate.
If you are exporting a transition of care summary, a message appears when the export is complete. Click OK.
If the Disable Export Encryption checkbox was clear in step 5, the File Encryption dialog box appears; otherwise, ignore the remaining steps.
In the Password and Verify Password boxes, enter the password that must be entered to open the exported file (which will be encrypted).
To see the password so that you can verify that it is correct or take note of it, select the Show Password Text checkbox.
The password cannot be accessed anywhere in Dentrix Enterprise after you click OK, and no one can open the file without the password.
Click OK.
On the message that appears when the export is complete, click OK.
An entry for the export now appears in the History list.
Do any of the following as needed:
To view the contents of an exported file, select an entry in the History list, and then click View. The C-CDA Document dialog box appears. When you are finished viewing the document, close the dialog box.
You can specify which sections are visible and in what order they appear. Do the following:
Click the View
Settings icon .
The C-CDA Document - View Settings dialog box appears.
hide a section, select it in the Selected
list, and then click the Move to Left
button .
show a section that you have hidden previously, select it in the Available list, and then click the
Move to Right button .
change the display order of the sections on documents, select a section in
the Selected list, and then click
the Move Up button or Move
Down button
as needed to move the section to
the desired position. Repeat this as needed to move other sections.
Click Save.
Note: The specified view settings are saved for all C-CDA documents that you view from now on.
To remove an exported file from the list (not delete the exported file), select an entry in the History list, and then click Delete. On the confirmation message that appears, click Yes. On the message that appears when the deletion is successful, click OK.