There are six types of transactions that you can enter into Ledger:
Procedures - All charges listed on an account are posted through a procedure code. Typically, the procedure code you use will be one of the ADA codes that come pre-loaded with Dentrix Enterprise. However, dental offices often perform procedures or assess charges that don't have a standard procedure code (sometimes referred to as "administrative codes").
Payments - Dentrix Enterprise uses "line item accounting" to calculate account balances. You can view balances for the entire family and for individual patients within the family. When a patient makes a payment, you can credit the payment to individual patient charges or to the entire family balance (oldest balance first). Dentrix Enterprise also allows for pre-payments and suspended payments that are not immediately allocated to a charge. Also, a feature is provided that you can use to quickly view linked charges and credits.
Note: All payments made by patients are classified as guarantor payments and are listed under the guarantor's name. Keep in mind that, even though you may have selected a family member other than the guarantor, guarantor payments are always displayed in the Ledger view, so you can easily see when the last time a payment was made to the account.
Insurance Payments - Insurance payments consist of those payments that have been received from an insurance carrier in response to a claim submitted from Dentrix Enterprise. These payments are applied directly to a claim, making it easy to locate which procedures still have outstanding claims and which have been paid. You can also view linked procedures for a selected claim or payment.
Adjustments - You can use adjustments to change an account's balance for a variety of reasons. Frequently, you can use an adjustment to discount charges or indicate that you gave a patient a refund. You can also use adjustments to correct an account's balance when a posting error has occurred. Like payments, you can apply adjustments to specific charges on the account. You can add and/or modify adjustment types in Practice Definitions. You can also view linked charges and credits.
Finance Charges - As a fee for offering credit to clients, businesses frequently assess finance charges when a balance is not paid within a given length of time. In Dentrix Enterprise, you have the flexibility to apply finance charges to all accounts that meet specific criteria or post a single finance charge to an individual family or patient.
Late Charges - You can use late charges to fine accounts that are late in making payments toward an existing balance. In Dentrix Enterprise, you can quickly assess late charges to all accounts that have missed their payment agreement payment due date or post a single late charge to an individual family or patient.