The Financial Information block in Family File, displays some financial details about the family's account: billing type, balance, and payment details. With a patient selected in Family File, double-click the Financial Information block to perform the following tasks:
Assign the billing type:
You must assign a billing type to each new family in Dentrix Enterprise. With billing types assigned to families, you can target specific accounts when you are applying finance charges, processing bills, and generating reports. For example, if you do not want to bill certain families, or if you need to indicate that you sent an account to collections, you can assign them a distinct billing type to keep them separate from other patients when you run reports or print statements.
For information about changing the billing type for an account (family), refer to the topic about changing an account's billing type from Ledger.
Dentrix Enterprise provides several default billing types. If one of these default billing types does not meet your needs, you can create a custom billing type.
You can change the billing type as needed. However, changing the billing type for any member of a family affects all members of that family.
Manage payment plans:
A payment plan can be associated with a specific patient or multiple family members. Dentrix Enterprise allows multiple payment plans per account (family).
For information about managing payment plans, refer to the topics about creating, editing, and inactivating payment plans from Ledger.
Manage guarantor notes:
Guarantor notes are associated with an account (family). They consist of the following note types:
Account note - This will usually contain information specific to the financial situation of an account.
For information about managing account notes, refer the topic about working with account notes from Ledger.
Billing statement note - This can contain account-specific information that prints automatically on an account's billing statement. This note can be anything from a payment reminder to a congratulations on a new baby.
For information about managing billing statement notes, refer to topic about working with billing statement notes from Ledger.