Adding ZIP Codes

You can add a ZIP Code and its associated city, state, and country as needed to your database.

To add a ZIP Code

When you are adding or editing a patient's address, click the ZIP search button .

The Select Zip Code dialog box appears.

Do one of the following:

Search for a ZIP Code.

To view the entire list of ZIP Codes, click List All.

Click New.

The New Zip Code dialog box appears.

Set up the following options:

City - The city that the ZIP Code pertains to.

Note: Dentrix Enterprise automatically capitalizes the first letter of city names.

State - The state where the specified city is located. If a state is not applicable for this ZIP Code, leave the box empty, and then select the Country without a state checkbox.

Zip - The ZIP CodeĀ (up to 9 digits, in an xxxxx or xxxxx-xxxx format for example).

Country - The country where the specified state or, if the country does not have states, where the specified city is located. Select a country from the list.

Click OK.