The first time you try to use Collections Manager, you must set up a view. Setting up a view allows you to filter out certain accounts so only the accounts that you want to contact are displayed. Once you have selected your view options, you can choose what account information you want to have appear in the list.
To set up a view
Do one of the following:
If you do not have a view set up for Collections Manager, attempt to open Collections Manager.
If you do have a view set up for Collections Manager, open Collections Manager, and then click View Setup on the menu bar.
The Collections Manager View dialog box appears.
Set up the following filters:
Select Guarantor - The guarantors that you want to include. To specify a range of guarantors, do one of the following:
To include all guarantors, type "<ALL>" in both the From and To boxes.
To include a particular range of guarantors by last name, specify the starting and ending names of the range. If you have a very large patient base, you may want to limit the length of the list for ease of use (for example, you can choose A-J names one week, K-S names the next week, and then T-Z name the next week).
To specify a From and/or To name, do one of the following:
Enter a name (in a Last, First format) in the corresponding box.
To select
a guarantor, click the corresponding search button
to open the Select Patient dialog
box. Then, either double-click the correct guarantor; or select the correct
guarantor, and then click OK.
Note: To have an open-ended range, do either of the following:
Specify a starting name in the From box, and type "<ALL>" in the To box.
Type "<ALL>" in the From box, and specify an ending name in the To box.
If a custom range is specified, to include all guarantors, select the All Guarantors checkbox.
Select Billing Type - The billing types of accounts that you want to include. To specify which billing types to include, do one of the following:
To include accounts with particular billing types, select those billing types on the list. You can select up to 10 billing types.
Note: To select multiple items, click the first item, and then, while pressing the Ctrl key, click the other desired items.
To include accounts with any billing type, select the All Billing Types checkbox.
Note: If you want the view to include more than 10 billing types, view the list by all billing types or in groups of 10.
Skip Accounts With Claim Pending - If your office waits for insurance to pay before collecting from an account, select this checkbox to exclude accounts with patients who have outstanding insurance claims if the guarantor portion of the balance is less than a specified amount. Then, enter that amount in the If Patient Portion Less Than box.
For Payment Agreement (PA), Payment Plans (PP), Future Due Payment Plans (FD) - Whether you want to include accounts with financial arrangements. Do one of the following:
To include all accounts, whether or not there is a payment agreement, payment plan, or future due payment plan, select the All checkbox.
To include accounts based on particular circumstances, select the applicable options on the list. An account is included if it matches at least one of the selected circumstances:
With a Payment Agreement and a PP
With a Future Due Payment Plan
With a PA, a PP, and a FD
Without a Payment Agreement and a PP
Without a Future Due Payment Plan
Without a PA, a PP and without a FD.
Note: To select multiple items, click the first item, and then, while pressing the Ctrl key, click the other desired items.
List Accounts - Whether to filter the accounts by provider or clinic. Do one of the following:
To include guarantors with any primary provider, select the by Provider option, and then select the All checkbox.
To include the guarantors with a particular primary provider, do the following to select the provider:
Select the by Provider option.
the search button .
The Select Provider dialog box appears.
Either leave the ID and Last Name boxes empty to get a list of all providers, or enter all or part of a provider's ID or last name in the ID or Last Name box, respectively, to search for a provider.
Under Search By, select one of the following options: This Clinic, to search for the provider in the clinic that you are currently logged in to; All Clinics, to search for the provider in all clinics; or My Clinics, to search for the provider in the clinics to which you have been granted the "My Clinics, Select Provider" security right.
The All Clinics option is available only if your user account has been granted the "View All Providers" security right for the Central clinic and if your user account has not been granted the "My Clinics, Select Provider" security right for the clinic that you are currently logged in to.
The My Clinics option is available only if your user account has been granted the "My Clinics, Select Provider" security right for at least one clinic and if your user account has not been granted the "View All Providers" security right for the Central clinic.
Either select the All Providers option to include providers who are associated with clinics (and who have a Log On User ID), or select the In ApptBook option to include providers who have been set up in Appointment Book.
the search button .
The matching primary and secondary providers appear in the list.
Do one of the following:
Double-click the correct provider.
Select the correct provider, and then click OK.
To include guarantors with any preferred clinic, select the by Clinic option, and then select the All checkbox.
To include guarantors with a particular preferred clinic, do the following to select the clinic:
Select the by Clinic option.
the search button .
Note: This button is available only if your user account has been granted the "View All Patients" security right for the Central clinic.
The Select Clinic dialog box appears.
Select the correct clinic.
Click OK.
Minimum Days Past Due - The minimum number of days that an account must be past due to be included. Select one of the following options: Over 0, Over 30, Over 60, or Over 90.
Ins Min Days Past Due - The minimum number of days that an account with an outstanding insurance claim must be past due to be included. Select one of the following options: Over 0, Over 30, Over 60, or Over 90.
# of Pmts Missed - The number of payments towards a payment agreement that an account must have missed to be included. Select one of the following options: No pmts missed, 0 or more, 1 or more, 2 or more, or 3 or more.
Note: If you do not want to filter by missed payments, select the 0 or more option.
Show Totals - To display the totals for all guarantors that are included, select this checkbox. Not all columns have totals (for example, Name, Address, and Phone Number).
Min Balance - Whether to filter by account balances. In the box, do one of the following:
Enter an amount that is greater than zero to exclude accounts with a balance that is less than the specified amount.
Type "0.00" to not exclude accounts based on balances.
Accounts with Suspended Amount - Whether to filter by suspended credits. In the box, do one of the following:
Enter an amount that is greater than zero to include accounts with a suspended amount that is equal to or greater than the specified amount.
Type "0.00" to not include accounts based on suspended amounts.
Last Pmt Before - To exclude guarantors who are making regular payments toward their account balances, select this checkbox, and then enter the latest date a payment must have been posted. For example, if you allow guarantors 30 days to make a payment, enter a date that is one month prior to today’s date.
If Not Billed Since - To exclude accounts that have recently received a billing statement, select this checkbox, and then enter the latest date an account must have been sent a billing statement. For example, to include accounts that have received a billing statement over two weeks ago, enter a date that is two weeks prior to today’s date.
Last Visit Before - To exclude accounts with patients who have been seen recently, select this checkbox, and then enter the latest date a family member must have been seen.
Previous Office Journal Entry Before - To exclude accounts based on the last manual entry in Office Journal, select this checkbox, and then enter the latest date a manual Office Journal entry for a guarantor must have been entered.
Show Columns - You can specify what information you want to display. To customize the columns, do the following:
Click Show Columns.
The Show Columns dialog box appears.
Do any of the following as needed:
To show a column, select the corresponding option in the Available Columns list, and then click Add.
To hide a column, select the corresponding option in the Show these columns in this order list, and then click Remove.
To change the order (from left to right) of a column in Collections Manager, in the Show these columns in this order list, select the option that you want to move, and then click Move Up or Move Down to move the option to the desired position. The option at the top of the list corresponds to the left-most column.
Note: Collections Manager can display the following information for each account:
# Pmts Missed - The number of payments toward a payment agreement that the account has missed.
0->30 Balance - The portion of the total account balance that is aged 30 days or less.
31->60 Balance - The portion of the total account balance that is aged 31 to 60 days.
61->90 Balance - The portion of the total account balance that is aged 61 to 90 days.
91-> Balance - The portion of the total account balance that is aged 91 days or more.
Account Clinic - The clinic assigned to the guarantor of the account.
Account Provider - The primary provider of the guarantor.
Acct Balance - The total balance for the account.
Amt Billed to Ins - The portion of the account's balance that has been billed to insurance.
Best Time to Call - The best time to call the guarantor.
Billing Type - Indicates the billing type for the account.
Birthday & Age - The guarantor's birth date and age.
Chart # - The guarantor's chart number as recorded in Family File.
E-mail address - The email address for the guarantor.
Family Position - The guarantor's position in the family.
Future Rem. Type - The description or type of a manual Office Journal reminder for the guarantor of the account that is dated after today. Use this option in conjunction with the Future Reminder Date option. If there is a description for the reminder, that description appears; otherwise, the reminder's type appears.
Future Reminder Date - The date of a manual Office Journal reminder for the guarantor of the account that is dated after today.
Guarantor City - The city of residence for the guarantor.
Guarantor Estimate - The estimated portion of the account's balance that the patient will owe after insurance pays.
Guarantor Name - The name of the guarantor for the account. This column is mandatory.
Guarantor State - The state of residence for the guarantor.
Guarantor Zip Code - The ZIP Code for the guarantor.
Home Phone - The home telephone number for the guarantor.
Insurance Estimate - The estimated portion of the account's balance that is expected from dental insurance.
Last Payment Amount - The amount of the last guarantor payment for the account.
Last Payment Date - The date of the last guarantor payment on the account.
Last Statement Date - The last date a billing statement was generated for the account.
PA Amount Due - The estimated guarantor portion of the balance or the agreed payment amount from a payment agreement or future due payment plan.
PA Rem Balance - The remaining balance amount for any payment agreement set up on the account.
Prev. Office Journal Entry - The date of the last manual Office Journal entry for the guarantor of the account.
Prev. OJ Entry Type - The description or type of the last manual Office Journal entry for the guarantor of the account. Use this option in conjunction with the Prev. Office Journal Entry option. If there is a description for the entry, that description appears; otherwise, the entry's type appears.
Soc Sec # - The guarantor's Social Security Number.
Suspended Credit - Any credit that has not been allocated to a charge on the account.
Work Phone&Ext - The work telephone number and extension for the guarantor.
Click OK.
Click OK.
Note: The view settings are saved for the next time you open Collections Manager on this computer.
If a message, stating that the loading of the view may take several minutes, appears, select the Do not display this message again checkbox if you do not want to see the message again on this computer, and then click Yes.
As the view loads, a progress indicator appears.
Note: To abort the loading of the view, click Abort. Then, on the confirmation message that appears, click OK.