Dentrix Canada

Appointment Book lists overview

Failed or canceled appointments can cost you thousands of dollars a year in lost production time. To help you avoid losing that revenue, the Appointment Book features four types of appointment lists that you can manage from the Appointment List window and fill any open blocks of time in  your Appointment Book schedule. To learn more, click the following links:

·        Appointment List window

·        Appointment List toolbars

·        Setting up Appointment List views

·        Modifying the Appointment List's columns

·        Managing saved lists

·        Hiding time groups

·        Opening the Appointment List

·        Opening the ASAP List

·        Opening the Open List

·        Opening the Unscheduled List

·        Opening the Pinboard List

·        Setting new appointments in the Appointment List

·        Breaking appointments in the Appointment List

·        Pinning appointments to the Pinboard

·        Setting a patient's status

·        Creating health history and other notes

·        Deleting appointments in the Appointment List