Production statistics
The Production benchmarks are determined by the Active Patient Base by Last Visit.
The Active Patient Base by Last Visit is the total number of patients who have a Last Visit Date in the Family File that is within the previous number of months (from the Practice Advisor Setup dialog box), who have a Prov1 (primary provider) that has been selected for the report (from the Practice Advisor Report dialog box), and who have a billing type that has been selected for the report (from the Practice Advisor Report dialog box).
Practice Totals
The report shows the practice's production totals.
Production is the dollar amount of all Production Transactions within a given date range for selected providers and billing types.
A Production Transaction is a completed procedure.
The report displays the following Production statistics:
· Previous Month - The Production for the previous month. 100% will always appear in this box to indicate that the Production is used as the base for calculations.
· MTD - The Production since the beginning of the current month. 100% will always appear in this box to indicate that the Production is used as the base for calculations.
· MTD Benchmark - The production benchmark range (Growth Benchmark Range, Established Bench. Range, or Ideal Benchmark Range) from the Production Benchmarks tab of the Benchmarks Setup dialog box.(See Setting up production benchmarks.)
· MTD Variance - The MTD minus the average of the MTD Benchmark. (See Variance calculations.)
If a
Recommendation icon appears next to a Variance, refer to the Recommendation
Footnotes pages to read the recommendations regarding what you may want
to consider improving or changing. (See Recommendation
· YTD - The Production since the beginning of the year (fiscal or calendar). 100% will always appear in this box to indicate that the Production is used as the base for calculations.
· YTD Benchmark - The production benchmark range that is derived from the MTD Benchmark.
· YTD Variance - The YTD minus the average of the YTD Benchmark. (See Variance calculations.)
If a
Recommendation icon appears next to a Variance, refer to the Recommendation
Footnotes pages to read the recommendations on what can be improved or
changed. (See Recommendation footnotes.)
Adjustments to Production
Adjustments to Production are finance charges, late charges, and adjustments that have been assigned as production adjustments from the Assign Adjustment Types as Production/Collections dialog box. (See Assigning adjustment types.)
The report displays the following Adjustments to Production statistics:
· Previous Month - The dollar amount of Adjustments to Production for the previous month.
· MTD - The dollar amount of Adjustments to Production since the beginning of the current month.
· YTD - The dollar amount of Adjustments to Production since the beginning of the year (fiscal or calendar).
Adjusted Production
The Adjusted Production is the Production minus the dollar amount of Adjustments to Production within a given date range.
The report displays the following Adjusted Production statistics:
· Previous Month - The Adjusted Production for the previous month.
· MTD - The Adjusted Production since the beginning of the current month.
· YTD - The Adjusted Production since the beginning of the year (fiscal or calendar).
# of Provider Production Days
The # of Provider Production Days are the number of days that providers are/were available. For details about how to set up a provider's schedule in the Appointment Book, see Setting up providers.
A half day is any day in the Appointment Book that the provider is available for less than 5 hours. A day is counted as a whole day if the provider is available at least 5 hours.
The report displays the following # of Provider Production Days statistics:
· Previous Month - The # of Provider Production Days for the previous month.
· MTD - The # of Provider Production Days since the beginning of the current month.
· YTD - The # of Provider Production Days since the beginning of the year (fiscal or calendar).
Average Daily Production
The Average Daily Production is the Production divided by the # of Provider Production Days within a given date range.
The report displays the following Average Daily Production statistics:
· Previous Month - The Average Daily Production for the previous month.
· MTD - The Average Daily Production since the beginning of the current month.
· MTD Benchmark - The production benchmark range (Growth Benchmark Range, Established Bench. Range, or Ideal Benchmark Range) from the Production Benchmarks tab of the Benchmarks Setup dialog box. (See Setting up production benchmarks.)
· MTD Variance - The MTD minus the average of the MTD Benchmark. (See Variance calculations.)
If a
Recommendation icon appears next to a Variance, refer to the Recommendation
Footnotes pages to read the recommendations regarding what you may want
to consider improving or changing. (See Recommendation
· YTD - The Average Daily Production since the beginning of the year (fiscal or calendar).
· YTD Benchmark - The production benchmark range that is derived from the MTD Benchmark.
· YTD Variance - The YTD minus the average of the YTD Benchmark. (See Variance calculations.)
If a
Recommendation icon appears next to a Variance, refer to the Recommendation
Footnotes pages to read the recommendations regarding what you may want
to consider improving or changing. (See Recommendation
Average Hourly Production
The Available Time is the total number of minutes that providers are/were available to see patients. For details about how to set up a provider's schedule in the Appointment Book, see Setting up providers.
The Average Hourly Production is the Production divided by the Available Time within a given date range.
The report displays the following Average Hourly Production statistics:
· Previous Month - The Average Hourly Production for the previous month.
· MTD - The Average Hourly Production since the beginning of the current month.
· MTD Benchmark - The production benchmark range (Growth Benchmark Range, Established Bench. Range, or Ideal Benchmark Range) from the Production Benchmarks tab of the Benchmarks Setup dialog box. (See Setting up production benchmarks.)
· MTD Variance - The MTD minus the average of the MTD Benchmark. (See Variance calculations.)
If a
Recommendation icon appears next to a Variance, refer to the Recommendation
Footnotes pages to read the recommendations regarding what you may want
to consider improving or changing. (See Recommendation
· YTD - The Average Hourly Production since the beginning of the year (fiscal or calendar).
· YTD Benchmark - The production benchmark range that is derived from the Average Hourly Production MTD Benchmark.
· YTD Variance - The YTD minus the average of the YTD Benchmark. (See Variance calculations.)
If a
Recommendation icon appears next to a Variance, refer to the Recommendation
Footnotes pages to read the recommendations regarding what you may want
to consider improving or changing. (See Recommendation
Unfilled Hours
Unfilled Hours is the difference of the # of Provider Production Days (in minutes) and the Scheduled Time within a given date range. Events scheduled in the Appointment Book are not taken into consideration (for example, if all operatories have been blocked off for an entire day, those hours will still show up on the report as part of the unfilled hours unless a provider’s schedule setup changes).
Scheduled Time is the total number of minutes (appointment length) for all scheduled appointments within a given date range.
The report displays the following Unfilled Hours statistics:
· Previous Month - The Unfilled Hours for the previous month.
· MTD - The Unfilled Hours since the beginning of the current month.
· YTD - The Unfilled Hours since the beginning of the year (fiscal or calendar).
Dentist Totals
The report shows the dentists' production totals.
Dentist Production
Dentist Production is the dollar amount of Dentist Production Transactions.
The Dentist Production Transactions are the Production Transactions for the providers on the report (for details about how to assign providers for the report, see Running the Practice Advisor Report).
A Production Transaction is a completed procedure.
The report displays the following Dentist Production statistics:
· Previous Month - The Dentist Production for the previous month. The percentage (%) in this box is the Dentist Production for the previous month divided by the practice's Production for the previous month (multiplied by 100 and then rounded to the nearest whole number).
· MTD - The Dentist Production since the beginning of the current month. The percentage (%) in this box is the Dentist Production since the beginning of the current month divided by the practice's Production since the beginning of the current month (multiplied by 100 and then rounded to the nearest whole number).
· MTD Benchmark - The production benchmark range (Growth Benchmark Range, Established Bench. Range, or Ideal Benchmark Range) from the Production Benchmarks tab of the Benchmarks Setup dialog box. (See Setting up production benchmarks.)
· MTD Variance - The MTD minus the average of the MTD Benchmark. (See Variance calculations.)
If a
Recommendation icon appears next to a Variance, refer to the Recommendation
Footnotes pages to read the recommendations regarding what you may want
to consider improving or changing. (See Recommendation
· YTD - The Dentist Production since the beginning of the year (fiscal or calendar). The percentage (%) in this box is the Dentist Production since the beginning of the year divided by the practice's Production since the beginning of the year.
· YTD Benchmark - The production benchmark range that is derived from the MTD Benchmark.
· YTD Variance - The YTD minus the average of the YTD Benchmark. (See Variance calculations.)
If a
Recommendation icon appears next to a Variance, refer to the Recommendation
Footnotes pages to read the recommendations regarding what you may want
to consider improving or changing. (See Recommendation
# of Dentist Production Days
The # of Dentist Production Days are the number of days that dentists are/were available. For details about how to set up a provider's schedule in the Appointment Book, see Setting provider schedules.
The report displays the following # of Dentist Production Days statistics:
· Previous Month - The # of Dentist Production Days during the previous month.
· MTD - The # of Dentist Production Days since the beginning of the current month.
· YTD - The # of Dentist Production Days since the beginning of the year (fiscal or calendar).
Dentist Average Daily Production
The Dentist Average Daily Production is the Production divided by the # of Dentist Production Days within a given date range.
The report displays the following Dentist Average Daily Production statistics:
· Previous Month - The Dentist Average Daily Production for the previous month.
· MTD - The Dentist Average Daily Production since the beginning of the current month.
· MTD Benchmark - The production benchmark range (Growth Benchmark Range, Established Bench. Range, or Ideal Benchmark Range) from the Production Benchmarks tab of the Benchmarks Setup dialog box. (See Setting up production benchmarks.)
· MTD Variance - The MTD minus the average of the MTD Benchmark. (See Variance calculations.)
If a
Recommendation icon appears next to a Variance, refer to the Recommendation
Footnotes pages to read the recommendations regarding what you may want
to consider improving or changing. (See Recommendation
· YTD - The Dentist Average Daily Production since the beginning of the year.
· YTD Benchmark - The production benchmark range that is derived from the MTD Benchmark.
· YTD Variance - The YTD minus the average of the YTD Benchmark. (See Variance calculations.)
If a
Recommendation icon appears next to a Variance, refer to the Recommendation
Footnotes pages to read the recommendations regarding what you may want
to consider improving or changing. (See Recommendation
Dentist Average Hourly Production
The Dentist Available Time is the total number of minutes that dentists are/were available to see patients. For details about how to set up a provider's schedule in the Appointment Book, see Setting up providers.
The Dentist Average Hourly Production is the Dentist Production divided by the Dentist Available Time within a given date range.
The report displays the following Dentist Average Hourly Production statistics:
· Previous Month - The Dentist Average Hourly Production for the previous month.
· MTD - The Dentist Average Hourly Production since the beginning of the current month.
· MTD Benchmark - The production benchmark range (Growth Benchmark Range, Established Bench. Range, or Ideal Benchmark Range) from the Production Benchmarks tab of the Benchmarks Setup dialog box. (See Setting up production benchmarks.)
· MTD Variance - The MTD minus the average of the MTD Benchmark. (See Variance calculations.)
If a
Recommendation icon appears next to a Variance, refer to the Recommendation
Footnotes pages to read the recommendations regarding what you may want
to consider improving or changing. (See Recommendation
· YTD - The Dentist Average Hourly Production since the beginning of the year.
· YTD Benchmark - The production benchmark range that is derived from the MTD Benchmark.
· YTD Variance - The YTD minus the average of the YTD Benchmark. (See Variance calculations.)
If a
Recommendation icon appears next to a Variance, refer to the Recommendation
Footnotes pages to read the recommendations regarding what you may want
to consider improving or changing. (See Recommendation
Dentist Unfilled Hours
Dentist Unfilled Hours is the difference of the # of Dentist Production Days (in minutes) and the Scheduled Time within a given date range. Events scheduled in the Appointment Book are not taken into consideration (for example, if all operatories have been blocked off for an entire day, those hours will still show up on the report as part of the unfilled hours unless a provider’s schedule setup changes).
Scheduled Time is the total number of minutes (appointment length) for all scheduled appointments within a given date range.
The report displays the following Dentist Unfilled Hours statistics:
· Previous Month - The Dentist Unfilled Hours for the previous month.
· MTD - The Dentist Unfilled Hours since the beginning of the current month.
· YTD - The Dentist Unfilled Hours since the beginning of the year (fiscal or calendar).
Hygienist Totals
The report shows the hygienists' production totals.
Hygienist Production
The Hygienist Production is the dollar amount of Hygienist Production Transactions.
The Hygienist Production Transactions are the Production Transactions for the hygienists on the report (for details about how to assign hygienists for the report, see Running the Practice Advisor Report).
A Production Transaction is a completed procedure.
The report displays the following Hygienist Production statistics:
· Previous Month - The Hygienist Production for the previous month. The percentage (%) in this box is the Hygienist Production for the previous month divided by the practice's Production for the previous month.
· MTD - The Hygienist Production since the beginning of the current month. The percentage (%) in this box is the Hygienist Production since the beginning of the current month divided by the practice's Production since the beginning of the current month.
· MTD Benchmark - The production benchmark range (Growth Benchmark Range, Established Bench. Range, or Ideal Benchmark Range) from the Production Benchmarks tab of the Benchmarks Setup dialog box. (See Setting up production benchmarks.)
· MTD Variance - The MTD minus the average of the MTD Benchmark range (see Variance Calculations).
If a
Recommendation icon appears next to a Variance, refer to the Recommendation
Footnotes pages to read the recommendations regarding what you may want
to consider improving or changing. (See Recommendation
· YTD - The Hygienist Production since the beginning of the year (fiscal or calendar). The percentage (%) in this box is the Hygienist Production since the beginning of the year divided by the practice's Production since the beginning of the year.
· YTD Benchmark - The production benchmark range that is derived from the MTD Benchmark.
· YTD Variance - The YTD minus the average of the YTD Benchmark. (See Variance calculations.)
If a
Recommendation icon appears next to a Variance, refer to the Recommendation
Footnotes pages to read the recommendations regarding what you may want
to consider improving or changing. (See Recommendation
# of Hygienist Production Days
The # of Hygienist Production Days are the number of days that hygienists are/were available. For details about how to set up a provider's schedule in the Appointment Book, see Setting provider schedules.
The report displays the following # of Hygienist Production Days statistics:
· Previous Month - The# of Hygienist Production Days for the previous month.
· MTD - The # of Hygienist Production Days since the beginning of the current month.
· YTD - The # of Hygienist Production Days since the beginning of the year (fiscal or calendar).
Hygienist Average Daily Production
The Hygienist Average Daily Production is the Production divided by the # of Hygienist Production Days within a given date range.
The report displays the following Hygienist Average Daily Production statistics:
· Previous Month - The Hygienist Average Daily Production for the previous month.
· MTD - The Hygienist Production since the beginning of the current month divided by the # of Hygienist Production Days since the beginning of the current month.
· MTD Benchmark - The production benchmark range (Pre-Est. Peak Range, Established Peak Range, or Post Est. Peak Range) from the Production Benchmarks tab of the Benchmarks Setup dialog box.
· MTD Variance - The MTD minus the average of the MTD Benchmark. (See Variance calculations.)
If a
Recommendation icon appears next to a Variance, refer to the Recommendation
Footnotes pages to read the recommendations regarding what you may want
to consider improving or changing. (See Recommendation
· YTD - The Hygienist Average Daily Production since the beginning of the year (fiscal or calendar).
· YTD Benchmark - The production benchmark range that is derived from the MTD Benchmark.
· YTD Variance - The YTD minus the average of the YTD Benchmark. (See Variance calculations.)
If a
Recommendation icon appears next to a Variance, refer to the Recommendation
Footnotes pages to read the recommendations regarding what you may want
to consider improving or changing. (See Recommendation
Hygienist Average Hourly Production
The Hygienist Available Time is the total number of minutes that hygienists are/were available to see patients. For details about how to set up a provider's schedule in the Appointment Book, see Setting up providers.
The Hygienist Average Hourly Production is the Hygienist Production divided by the Hygienist Available Time within a given date range.
The report displays the following Hygienist Average Hourly Production statistics:
· Previous Month - The Hygienist Average Hourly Production for the previous month.
· MTD - The Hygienist Average Hourly Production since the beginning of the current month.
· MTD Benchmark - The production benchmark range (Growth Benchmark Range, Established Bench. Range, or Ideal Benchmark Range) from the Production Benchmarks tab of the Benchmarks Setup dialog box. (See Setting up production benchmarks.)
· MTD Variance - The MTD minus the average of the MTD Benchmark. (See Variance calculations.)
If a
Recommendation icon appears next to a Variance, refer to the Recommendation
Footnotes pages to read the recommendations regarding what you may want
to consider improving or changing. (See Recommendation
· YTD - The Hygienist Average Hourly Production since the beginning of the year (fiscal or calendar).
· YTD Benchmark - The production benchmark range that is derived from the MTD Benchmark.
· YTD Variance - The YTD minus the average of the YTD Benchmark. (See Variance calculations.)
If a
Recommendation icon appears next to a Variance, refer to the Recommendation
Footnotes pages to read the recommendations regarding what you may want
to consider improving or changing. (See Recommendation
Hygienist Unfilled Hours
Hygienist Unfilled Hours is the difference of the # of Hygienist Production Days (in minutes) and the Scheduled Time within a given date range. Events scheduled in the Appointment Book are not taken into consideration (for example, if all operatories have been blocked off for an entire day, those hours will still show up on the report as part of the unfilled hours unless a provider’s schedule setup changes).
Scheduled Time is the total number of minutes (appointment length) for all scheduled appointments within a given date range.
The report displays the following Hygienist Unfilled Hours statistics:
· Previous Month - The Hygienist Unfilled Hours for the previous month.
· MTD - The Hygienist Unfilled Hours since the beginning of the current month.
· YTD - The Hygienist Unfilled Hours since the beginning of the year (fiscal or calendar).
Case Acceptance Totals
The report shows case acceptance production totals.
Amount of Treatment Diagnosed
The Amount of Treatment Diagnosed is the sum of the following:
· The dollar amount of each patient’s treatment-planned procedures that are part of a recommended case and have a procedure date within a given date range.
· The dollar amount of each patient’s completed procedures (for any procedure date) that were treatment-planned within a given date range.
· The dollar amount of each patient’s completed procedures that were not treatment-planned and have a procedure date within a given date range.
Note: The amount of diagnosed treatment is calculated from only the recommended cases.
The report displays the following Amount of Treatment Diagnosed statistics:
· Previous Month - The Amount of Treatment Diagnosed for the previous month.
· MTD - The Amount of Treatment Diagnosed since the beginning of the current month.
· YTD - The Amount of Treatment Diagnosed since the beginning of the year (fiscal or calendar).
Amount of Treatment Accepted
The Amount of Treatment Accepted is the sum of the following:
· The dollar amount of each patient’s treatment-planned procedures that have not been completed, are part of an accepted case, and have a procedure date within a given date range.
· The dollar amount of each patient’s completed procedures (for any procedure date) that were treatment-planned within a given date range.
· The dollar amount of each patient’s completed procedures that were not treatment-planned and have a procedure date within a given date range.
The report displays the following Amount of Treatment Accepted statistics:
· Previous Month - The Amount of Treatment Accepted for the previous month. The percentage (%) in this box is the Amount of Treatment Accepted for the previous month divided by the Amount of Treatment Diagnosed for the previous month (multiplied by 100 and then rounded to the nearest whole number).
· MTD - The Amount of Treatment Accepted since the beginning of the current month. The percentage (%) in this box is the Amount of Treatment Accepted since the beginning of the current month divided by the Amount of Treatment Diagnosed since the beginning of the current month (multiplied by 100 and then rounded to the nearest whole number).
· MTD Benchmark - The production benchmark range (Growth Benchmark Range, Established Bench. Range, or Ideal Benchmark Range) from the Production Benchmarks tab of the Benchmarks Setup dialog box. (See Setting up production benchmarks.)
· MTD Variance - The MTD minus the average of the MTD Benchmark. (See Variance calculations.)
If a
Recommendation icon appears next to a Variance, refer to the Recommendation
Footnotes pages to read the recommendations regarding what you may want
to consider improving or changing. (See Recommendation
· YTD - The Amount of Treatment Accepted since the beginning of the year (fiscal or calendar). The percentage (%) in this box is the Amount of Treatment Accepted since the beginning of the year divided by the Amount of Treatment Diagnosed since the beginning of the year (multiplied by 100 and then rounded to the nearest whole number).
· YTD Benchmark - The production benchmark range that is derived from the MTD Benchmark.
· YTD Variance - The YTD minus the average of the YTD Benchmark. (See Variance calculations.)
If a
Recommendation icon appears next to a Variance, refer to the Recommendation
Footnotes pages to read the recommendations regarding what you may want
to consider improving or changing. (See Recommendation