Continuing care statistics
The report shows continuing care statistics.
CC Visits
The report shows the practice's continuing care totals.
Patients with CC Visit within last [number of] months
Pending Continuing Care is any continuing care type attached to a patient's record in the Family File.
"[number of]" references the CC Visit Span from the Practice Advisor Setup dialog box. (See Setting up the Practice Advisor).
The report displays the following Patients with CC Visit within last [number of] months statistics:
· MTD - The Patients with CC Visit within last [number of] months is the number of patients who have a Pending Continuing Care that has a prior treatment date that is on or after the beginning of the CC Visit Span. A patient with more than one Pending Continuing Care that has a prior treatment date within the CC Visit Span is only counted once.
The percentage (%) in this box is the Patients with CC Visit within last [number of] months divided by the Active Patient Base by Last Visit (multiplied by 100 and then rounded to the nearest whole number).
· MTD Benchmark - The continuing care benchmark range from the Other Benchmarks tab of the Benchmarks Setup dialog box. (See Setting up other benchmarks.)
· MTD Variance - The MTD minus the average of the MTD Benchmark. (See Variance calculations.)
If a
Recommendation icon appears next to a Variance, refer to the Recommendation
Footnotes pages to read the recommendations regarding what you may want
to consider improving or changing. (See Recommendation
# of CC Patients Seen
Pending Continuing Care is any continuing care type attached to a patient's record in the Family File.
The # of CC Patients Seen is the total number of patients who have a Pending Continuing Care that has a prior treatment date within a given date range. A patient with more than one Pending Continuing Care that has a prior treatment date within the given date range is only counted once.
The report displays the following # of CC Patients Seen statistics:
· Previous Month - The # of CC Patients Seen for the previous month.
· MTD - The # of CC Patients Seen since the beginning of the current month.
· YTD - The # of CC Patients Seen since the beginning of the year (fiscal or calendar).
# of Patients Seen with Appt Scheduled
Pending Continuing Care is any continuing care type attached to a patient's record in the Family File.
The # of Patients Seen with Appt Scheduled is the number of patients who have an appointment scheduled for a Pending Continuing Care that has a prior treatment date within a given date range. A patient with more than one Pending Continuing Care (with an appointment scheduled) that has a prior treatment date within a given date range is only counted once.
The report displays the following # of Patients Seen with Appt Scheduled statistics:
· Previous Month - The # of Patients Seen with Appt Scheduled for the previous month. The percentage (%) in this box is the # of Patients Seen with Appt Scheduled for the previous month divided by the # of CC Patients Seen for the previous month (multiplied by 100 and then rounded to the nearest whole number).
· MTD - The # of Patients Seen with Appt Scheduled since the beginning of the current month. The percentage (%) in this box is the # of Patients Seen with Appt Scheduled since the beginning of the current month divided by the # of CC Patients Seen since the beginning of the current month (multiplied by 100 and then rounded to the nearest whole number).
· MTD Benchmark - The continuing care benchmark range from the Other Benchmarks tab of the Benchmarks Setup dialog box. (See Setting up other benchmarks.)
· MTD Variance - The MTD minus the average of the MTD Benchmark. (See Variance calculations.)
If a
Recommendation icon appears next to a Variance, refer to the Recommendation
Footnotes pages to read the recommendations regarding what you may want
to consider improving or changing. (See Recommendation
· YTD - The # of Patients Seen with Appt Scheduled since the beginning of the year. The percentage (%) in this box is the # of Patients Seen with Appt Scheduled since the beginning of the year divided by the # of CC Patients Seen since the beginning of the year (multiplied by 100 and then rounded to the nearest whole number).
· YTD Benchmark - The continuing care benchmark range that is derived from the MTD Benchmark.
· YTD Variance - The YTD minus the average of the YTD Benchmark. (See Variance calculations.)
If a
Recommendation icon appears next to a Variance, refer to the Recommendation
Footnotes pages to read the recommendations regarding what you may want
to consider improving or changing. (See Recommendation
CC Due
The report shows the practice's continuing care totals.
# of Patients Due for CC
Pending Continuing Care is any continuing care type attached to a patient's record in the Family File.
The # of Patients Due for CC is the total number of patients who have a Pending Continuing Care that has a due date within a given date range. A patient with more than one Pending Continuing Care that has a due date within a given date range is only counted once.
The report displays the following # of Patients Due for CC statistics:
· Prior Overdue - The # of Patients Due for CC before the previous month.
· Due in Previous Month - The # of Patients Due for CC in the previous month.
· Due This Month - The # of Patients Due for CC since the beginning of the current month.
· Due Next Month - The # of Patients Due for CC next month.
# of Patients Due with Appt Scheduled
Pending Continuing Care is any continuing care type attached to a patient's record in the Family File.
The # of Patients Due with Appt Scheduled is the total number of patients who have a future appointment scheduled for a Pending Continuing Care that has a due date within a given date range. A patient with more than one Pending Continuing Care (with an appointment scheduled) that has a due date within a given date range is only counted once.
The report displays the following # of Patients Due with Appt Scheduled statistics:
· Prior Overdue - The # of Patients Due with Appt Scheduled before the previous month. The percentage (%) in this box is the # of Patients Due with Appt Scheduled before the previous month divided by the # of Patients Due for CC before the previous month.
· Due in Previous Month - The # of Patients Due with Appt Scheduled in the previous month. The percentage (%) in this box is the # of Patients Due with Appt Scheduled in the previous month divided by the # of Patients Due for CC in the previous month.
· Due This Month - The # of Patients Due with Appt Scheduled since the beginning of the current month. The percentage (%) in this box is the # of Patients Due with Appt Scheduled since the beginning of the current month divided by the # of Patients Due for CC since the beginning of the current month.
· Due Next Month - The # of Patients Due with Appt Scheduled next month. The percentage (%) in this box is the # of Patients Due with Appt Scheduled next month divided by the # of Patients Due for CC next month.