Collections statistics
The report shows collections statistics.
Note: Collections statistics are not filtered by dentists and hygienists. They are always calculated using all providers.
Practice Totals
The report shows the practice's collections totals.
A/R to Production
The A/R is the combined total of each family's account balance for a given billing types.
The report displays the following Accounts Receivable statistics:
· Previous Month - The A/R for the previous month. The number in this box is the A/R for the previous month divided by the Production for the previous month (rounded to the nearest one-hundredth).
· MTD - The A/R for the current month. The number in this box is the A/R for the current month divided by the Production since the beginning of the current month (rounded to the nearest one-hundredth).
· MTD Benchmark - The collections benchmark range from the Other Benchmarks tab of the Benchmarks Setup dialog box. (See Setting up other benchmarks.)
· MTD Variance - The average of the MTD Benchmark minus the MTD. (See Variance calculations.)
If a
Recommendation icon appears next to a Variance, refer to the Recommendation
Footnotes pages to read the recommendations regarding what you may want
to consider improving or changing. (See Recommendation
· YTD - The A/R for the current year (fiscal or calendar) is the same as the A/R for the current month. The number in this box is the A/R for the current year divided by the Production since the beginning of the year (rounded to the nearest one-hundredth).
Note: It is preferred that the A/R be below the benchmark. Most consultants recommend that your accounts receivable be no more than 1.5 to 2 times the monthly production.
A/R over 90 days (% A/R)
The A/R over 90 days is the combined total of each family's account balance that is over 90 days for a given billing types.
The report displays the following A/R over 90 days statistics:
· Previous Month - The A/R over 90 days for the previous month. The percentage (%) in this box is the A/R over 90 days for the previous month divided by the A/R Balance for the previous month (multiplied by 100 and then rounded to the nearest whole number).
· MTD - The A/R over 90 days for the current month. The percentage (%) in this box is the A/R over 90 days for the current month divided by the Production since the beginning of the current month (multiplied by 100 and then rounded to the nearest whole number).
· MTD Benchmark - The collections benchmark range from the Other Benchmarks tab of the Benchmarks Setup dialog box. (See Setting up other benchmarks.)
· MTD Variance - The average of the MTD Benchmark minus the MTD. (See Variance calculations.)
If a
Recommendation icon appears next to a Variance, refer to the Recommendation
Footnotes pages to read the recommendations regarding what you may want
to consider improving or changing. (See Recommendations
· YTD - The A/R over 90 days for the current year (fiscal or calendar) is the same as the A/R over 90 days for the current month. The percentage (%) in this box is the A/R over 90 days for the current year divided by the Production since the beginning of the year.
Note: It is preferred that the A/R be below the benchmark. Most consultants recommend that your accounts receivable be no more than 1.5 to 2 times the monthly production.
Collections (% Production)
Collections is the dollar amount of all Collections Transactions within a given date range.
A Collections Transactions is a payment (from a patient with a given billing type or from insurance).
The report displays the following Collections statistics:
· Previous Month - The Collections for the previous month. The percentage (%) in this box is the Collections for the previous month divided by the Production for the previous month (multiplied by 100 and then rounded to the nearest whole number).
· MTD - The Collections for the current month. The percentage (%) in this box is the Collections for the current month divided by the Production since the beginning of the current month (multiplied by 100 and rounded to the nearest whole number).
· YTD - The Collections for the current year (fiscal or calendar) is the same as the Collections for the current month. The percentage (%) in this box is the Collections for the current year divided by the Production since the beginning of the year (multiplied by 100 and then rounded to the nearest whole number).
Over-the-Counter Collections (% Production)
Over-the-Counter Collections is the dollar amount of all Over-the-Counter Collections Transactions within a given date range.
An Over-the-Counter Collections Transaction is a payment from a patient with a given billing type. You can indicate which payments are over-the-counter in the Assign Payment Types as Over-the-Counter Collections (OCC) dialog box. (See Assigning payment types).
The report displays the following Over-the-Counter Collections statistics:
· Previous Month - The Over-the-Counter Collections for the previous month. The percentage (%) in this box is the Over-the-Counter Collections for the previous month divided by the Production for the previous month (multiplied by 100 and then rounded to the nearest whole number).
· MTD - The Over-the-Counter Collections for the current month. The percentage (%) in this box is the Over-the-Counter Collections for the current month divided by the Production since the beginning of the current month (multiplied by 100 and then rounded to the nearest whole number).
· MTD Benchmark - The collections benchmark range from the Other Benchmarks tab of the Benchmarks Setup dialog box. (See Setting up other benchmarks.)
· MTD Variance - The MTD minus the average of the MTD Benchmark. (See Variance calculations.)
If a
Recommendation icon appears next to a Variance, refer to the Recommendation
Footnotes pages to read the recommendations regarding what you may want
to consider improving or changing. (See Recommendations
· YTD - The Over-the-Counter Collections for the current year (fiscal or calendar) is the same as the Over-the-Counter Collections for the current month. The percentage (%) in this box is the Over-the-Counter Collections for the current year divided by the Production since the beginning of the year (multiplied by 100 and then rounded to the nearest whole number).
· YTD Benchmark - The collections benchmark range that is derived from the MTD Benchmark.
· YTD Variance - The YTD minus the average of the YTD Benchmark. (See Variance calculations.)
If a
Recommendation icon appears next to a Variance, refer to the Recommendation
Footnotes pages to read the recommendations regarding what you may want
to consider improving or changing. (See Recommendation
Adjustments to Collections
Adjustments to Collections are adjustments that have been assigned as collection adjustments from the Assign Adjustment Types as Production/Collections dialog box. (See Assigning adjustment types.)
The report displays the following Adjustments to Collections statistics:
· Previous Month - The dollar amount of Adjustments to Collections for the previous month.
· MTD - The dollar amount of Adjustments to Collections for the current month.
· YTD - The dollar amount of Adjustments to Collections for the current year (fiscal or calendar) is the same as the dollar amount of Adjustments to Collections for the current month.
Adjusted Collections (% Adj Production)
Adjusted Collections is the Collections minus the Adjustments to Collections.
Note: Many consultants suggest that you collect at least 98% of your adjusted production.
The report displays the following Adjusted Collections statistics:
· Previous Month - The Adjusted Collections for the previous month. The percentage (%) in this box is the Adjusted Collections for the previous month divided by the Adjusted Production for the previous month (multiplied by 100 and then rounded to the nearest whole number).
· MTD - The Adjusted Collections for the current month. The percentage (%) in this box is the Adjusted Collections for the current month divided by the Adjusted Production for the current month (multiplied by 100 and then rounded to the nearest whole number).
· MTD Benchmark - The collections benchmark range from the Other Benchmarks tab of the Benchmarks Setup dialog box. (See Setting up other benchmarks.)
· MTD Variance - The MTD minus the average of the MTD Benchmark. (See Variance calculations.)
If a
Recommendation icon appears next to a Variance, refer to the Recommendation
Footnotes pages to read the recommendations regarding what you may want
to consider improving or changing. (See Recommendation
· YTD - The Adjusted Collections for the current year (fiscal or calendar). The percentage (%) in this box is the Adjusted Collections for the current year divided by the Adjusted Production for the current year (multiplied by 100 and then rounded to the nearest whole number).
· YTD Benchmark - The collections benchmark range that is derived from the MTD Benchmark.
· YTD Variance - The YTD minus the average of the YTD Benchmark. (See Variance calculations.)
If a
Recommendation icon appears next to a Variance, refer to the Recommendation
Footnotes pages to read the recommendations regarding what you may want
to consider improving or changing. (See Recommendation
Collections from Insurance
Collections from Insurance is the dollar amount of all payments from insurance.
The report displays the following Collections from Insurance statistics:
· Previous Month - The Collections from Insurance for the previous month. The percentage (%) in this box is the Collections from Insurance for the previous month divided by the Production for the previous month (multiplied by 100 and then rounded to the nearest whole number).
· MTD - The Collections from Insurance for the current month. The percentage (%) in this box is the Collections from Insurance for the current month divided by the Production for the current month (multiplied by 100 and rounded to the nearest whole number).
· YTD - The Collections from Insurance for the current year (fiscal or calendar) is the same as the Collections from Insurance for the current month. The percentage (%) in this box is the Collections from Insurance for the current year divided by the Production for the current year (multiplied by 100 and then rounded to the nearest whole number).
Collections from Patients
Collections from Patients is the dollar amount of all payments from patients and/or guarantors.
The report displays the following Collections from Patients statistics:
· Previous Month - The Collections from Patients for the previous month. The percentage (%) in this box is the Collections from Patients for the previous month divided by the Production for the previous month (multiplied by 100 and then rounded to the nearest whole number).
· MTD - The Collections from Patients for the current month. The percentage (%) in this box is the Collections from Patients for the current month divided by the Production for the current month (multiplied by 100 and rounded to the nearest whole number).
· YTD - The Collections from Patients for the current year (fiscal or calendar) is the same as the Collections from Patients for the current month. The percentage (%) in this box is the Collections from Patients for the current year divided by the Production for the current year (multiplied by 100 and then rounded to the nearest whole number).
Aged Accounts Receivable
The report shows the practice's aged accounts receivable.
The Aged Accounts Receivable is calculated the following way:
1. For each account, Production Transactions go into the aging "brackets" according to how far the Procedure Date of the transaction is from the As Of date for the A/R.
2. Next, Collections Transactions are read in chronological order according to Procedure Date and subtracted from the oldest aging brackets that have a balance for the family.
If the family has a credit balance, the entire balance amount is in the Current bracket.
The A/R is the combined total of each family's account balance.
Accounts Receivable
The report displays the following Accounts Receivable statistics:
· Current - The Current A/R is the combined total of each family's current account balance for a given billing types. The percentage (%) in this box is the Current A/R divided by the total A/R (multiplied by 100 and then rounded to the nearest whole number).
· 31-60 - The A/R 31-60 is the combined total of each family's account balance aged 31-60 days for a given billing types. The percentage (%) in this box is the A/R 31-60 divided by the total A/R (multiplied by 100 and then rounded to the nearest whole number).
· 61-90 - The A/R 61-90 is the combined total of each family's account balance aged 61-90 days for a given billing types. The percentage (%) in this box is the A/R 61-90 divided by the total A/R (multiplied by 100 and then rounded to the nearest whole number).
· Over 90 - The A/R Over 90 is the combined total of each family's account balance aged Over 90 days for a given billing types. The percentage (%) in this box is the A/R Over 90 divided by the total A/R (multiplied by 100 and then rounded to the nearest whole number).
· Balance - The A/R Balance is the A/R (the combined total of each family's account balance) for a given billing types. 100% will always appear in this box to indicate that the A/R Balance is used as the base for calculations.
A/R with Pending Insurance Claims
The A/R with Pending Claims is the dollar amount of the balances for pending claims.
The report displays the following A/R with Pending Insurance Claims statistics:
· Current - The Current A/R with Pending Claims is the combined total of each pending claim's balance that is current. The percentage (%) in this box is the Current A/R with Pending Claims divided by the Current A/R (multiplied by 100 and then rounded to the nearest whole number).
· 31-60 - The A/R 31-60 with Pending Claims is the combined total of each pending claim's balance that is aged 31-60 days. The percentage (%) in this box is the A/R 31-60 with Pending Claims divided by the A/R Balance (multiplied by 100 and then rounded to the nearest whole number).
· 61-90 - The A/R 61-90 with Pending Claims is the combined total of each pending claim's balance aged 61-90 days. The percentage (%) in this box is the A/R 61-90 with Pending Claims divided by the A/R Balance (multiplied by 100 and then rounded to the nearest whole number).
· Over 90 - The A/R Over 90 with Pending Claims is the combined total of each pending claim's balance that is aged Over 90 days. The percentage (%) in this box is the A/R Over 90 with Pending Claims divided by the A/R Balance (multiplied by 100 and then rounded to the nearest whole number).
· Balance - The A/R with Pending Claims Balance is the A/R Balance (the combined total of each pending claim's balance). 100% will always appear in this box to indicate that the A/R with Pending Claims Balance is used as the base for calculations.