Workflow Compliance Report
The Workflow Compliance Report shows which appointment tasks were successfully accomplished during patient visits and which were not. This report is most beneficial if your location has been set up to use workflow compliance (Track appointment tasks and require reasons for incomplete tasks is set to Yes).
Note: Viewing the Workflow Compliance Report requires the "Schedule/Recare Reports" security right (in the "Reports" category) and the "Review User" security right (in the "Settings" category).
To view the report
On the Home menu, under Reports, click (or tap) Workflow Compliance.
The Workflow Compliance Report page opens.
On the Workflow Compliance Report page, set up the following options:
Locations - The results for the selected locations. Do any of the following:
Select the All checkbox to view workflow compliance for all locations in the organization.
Select or clear the checkbox next to the current location name to view or to not view workflow compliance for that location.
Click Select Locations to select or deselect locations.
Note: Only locations that you have access to are available.
Date Range - The date or date range of appointments for the report. Leave yesterday's date selected, or select the desired date (today, yesterday, or a specific date) or date range (last 7 days, last 30 days, this month, or a custom range).
User - The users to include on the report. Click (or tap) a white space in the box to display a list. Then, select All users to display results for all users, None to remove all selected users so that you can make other selections (at least one user must then be selected), or a specific user to view only that user's results. To include results for multiple users, you must select each user one at a time.
Appointment Tasks - Select the checkboxes that correspond to the appointment tasks that you want to check for compliance (Schedule recare, Collect phone number, Collect email, and/or Collect payment).
Click (or tap) Search.
The report accounts for workflow compliance for completed appointments only.
On the report, an appointment task is counted as Required according to the following criteria during a patient visit (before or when the appointment was completed):
Collect phone number - If there was not a phone number on record for the patient (if the patient is the primary contact for himself or herself) or the patient's primary contact person (if the primary contact is someone other than the patient).
Collect email address - If there was not an email address on record for the patient (if the patient is the primary contact for himself or herself) or the patient's primary contact person (if the primary contact is someone other than the patient).
Schedule recare - If no primary recare types were attached to the patient's record, or if a primary recare type that was attached to the patient's record was not associated with a future appointment.
Note: Only primary recare types are required.
Collect payment - If there was a guarantor balance for the patient. A guarantor balance can consist of a balance for any of the following: the patient (whether or not the patient is the guarantor for himself or herself), the guarantor (if the guarantor is someone other than the patient), or any other patients who share that guarantor.
On the report, a Required appointment task is counted as Succeeded or Failed according to whether it was performed or not during a patient visit (before or when the appointment was completed).
Appointment Task
Collect phone number
If a phone number was entered for the patient or the patient's primary contact person.
If a phone number was not entered for the patient or the patient's primary contact person.
Collect email address
If an email address was entered for the patient or the patient's primary contast person.
If an email address was not entered for a patient or a patient's primary contact person.
Schedule recare
If at least one recare type was attached to the patient's record, and if a future appointment was scheduled for each attached recare type.
If no recare types were attached to the patient's record, or if a future appointment was not scheduled for any of the attached recare types.
Collect payment
If there was a guarantor balance, and if the patient portion of the guarantor balance was less than or equal to $0.00.
If there was a guarantor balance, if the patient portion of the guarantor balance was greater than $0.00, and if a guarantor payment was posted (on the date of the appointment).
Note: If a guarantor payment of any amount (for the entire balance or only a portion of the balance) was posted on the date of the appointment, the appointment task is counted as Succeeded.
If there was a guarantor balance greater than $0.00, and if a guarantor payment was not posted (on the date of the appointment).
Note: Applying unapplied credits to procedures for the current visit does not count as collecting a payment on the date of the appointment. If an unapplied credit from an advance payment (from a previous day) was applied to procedures for the current visit, if there was still a guarantor balance after doing so, and if a guarantor payment (for the entire balance or only a portion of the balance) was not posted on the current date, the appointment task is counted as Failed.
Below the Summary section on the report, is a detailed breakdown of the failed tasks. You can expand a failed task (if the failure rate is higher than 0%) to view the locations where there are failures. The number of failures appears to the right of each location's name. You can expand a location entry to view the users who have failures in that location. The number of failures appears to the right of each user's name. You can expand a user entry to view the reasons that the user may have provided for those failures (if reasons were required, there are reasons for all failures on the report). Next to each reason is the date and time of the corresponding appointment and patient's name, which is a link that you can click (or tap) to go to the appropriate area of that patient's record and, if applicable, enter the missing information.
Access to this report is controlled by the "Schedule/Recare Reports" security right.