Viewing transaction revisions on the ledger
You can show and hide the history of revisions and deletions for all transactions on a patient's ledger.
To view transaction revisions on the ledger
How to get there
If the correct patient is not already selected, use the Patient Search box to access the patient's record.
Note: You can include inactive patients in the search results by setting the Include inactive patients switch to On.
Do one of the following:
On the Patient menu, under General, click (or tap) Overview. The patient's Overview page opens. Click (or tap) the Ledger box.
On the Patient menu, under Financial, click (or tap) Ledger.
The patient's Ledger page opens.
On a patient's Ledger page, click (or tap) View to open a menu.
Set up the following options:
Show transaction history - Set the switch to one of the following states:
No - The ledger uses the regular, simplified view to display only current transactions.
Note: If Show transaction time is set to Yes, dates appear in the Modified Date column.
Yes - In addition to current transactions, the ledger displays modified transactions and can display deleted transactions and transfers of responsibility.
Set up the following options:
Include deleted items - With this checkbox selected, the ledger displays deleted transactions. To not include deleted transactions, clear the checkbox.
Include transfers of responsibility - With this checkbox selected, the ledger displays transfers of responsibility. To not include transfers of responsibility, clear this checkbox.
Deleted transactions appear in strikethrough type, and modified and deleted transactions are expandable and collapsible. Current transactions appear as usual.
To show revision history for a specific transaction, click (or tap) the corresponding expand arrow
To re-hide the revision history, click (or tap) the transaction's collapse arrow
Note: To quickly show or hide revision history for all modified and deleted transactions, click (or tap) Expand All or Collapse All.
If Show transaction time is set to Yes, dates appear in the Modified Date column.
The following examples illustrate how to interpret the revision history:
For a deleted transaction, Dentrix Ascend does the following:
Stores a snapshot of the original transaction.
Note: The Transaction Date is the transaction date that was entered when the transaction was initially posted. The Modified Date is the date and time when the transaction was initially posted.
Cancels the original transaction.
Note: The Transaction Date is the same as the original transaction's transaction date. The Modified Date is the date and time when the transaction was canceled.
For a modified transaction, Dentrix Ascend does the following:
Stores a snapshot of the original transaction.
Note: The Transaction Date is the transaction date that was entered when the transaction was initially posted. The Modified Date is the date and time when the transaction was initially posted.
Cancels the original transaction.
Note: The Transaction Date is the same as the original transaction's transaction date. The Modified Date is the date and time when the transaction was modified.
Stores the modified transaction as the current version.
Note: If the transaction date was modified, the Transaction Date is the new transaction date; otherwise, it is the transaction date that was entered when the transaction was initially posted. The Modified Date is the date and time when the transaction was modified.
For a transaction that is modified and then deleted, Dentrix Ascend does the following:
Stores a snapshot of the original transaction.
Note: The Transaction Date is the transaction date that was entered when the transaction was initially posted. The Modified Date is the date and time when the transaction was initially posted.
Cancels the original transaction.
Note: The Transaction Date is the same as the original transaction's transaction date. The Modified Date is the date and time when the transaction was modified.
Stores a snapshot of the modified transaction.
Note: If the transaction date was modified, the Transaction Date is the new transaction date; otherwise, it is the transaction date that was entered when the transaction was initially posted. The Modified Date is the date and time when the transaction was modified.
Cancels the modified transaction.
Note: The Transaction Date is the same as the modified transaction's transaction date. The Modified Date is the date and time when the transaction was deleted.
Transfers of responsibility can appear for a procedure or charge adjustment. The following information appears as applicable for each transfer ("Xfer"):
Estimated outstanding primary insurance portion.
Estimated outstanding secondary insurance portion.
Estimated write-off.
Estimated outstanding guarantor portion.
Transaction amount.
The following actions trigger a transfer of responsibility to be shown for a procedure or charge adjustment:
Posting a charge adjustment for today.
Posting a completed procedure for today.
Posting a credit adjustment and applying it (partially or fully) to a procedure or charge adjustment.
Posting a patient payment (including a payment plan payment) and applying it (partially or fully) to a procedure or charge adjustment.
Posting an insurance payment and applying it (partially or fully) to a procedure.
Creating an insurance claim for a procedure in either of the following scenarios:
If the insurance estimates were not calculated when the procedure was initially posted (which may happen if, for example, insurance was added to the patient's record after the procedure was posted).
If the Bill to insurance switch was turned On after the procedure was initially posted.
Editing a procedure by changing any of the following details:
Provider (if the write-off is recalculated).
Outstanding Insurance Estimates (Prim. ins portion, Sec. ins portion, or Ins write-off).
Insurance Estimate Overrides (Primary or Secondary).
Bill to insurance (if the switch is set to Off, the outstanding amount is transferred to the guarantor).
Editing a charge adjustment by changing the Amount.
Editing a payment by changing any of the following details:
Applied (to re-allocate the payment).
Editing a credit adjustment by changing any of the following details:
Applied (to re-allocate the credit).
Deleting a payment that has been applied to a procedure or charge adjustment.
Deleting a credit adjustment that has been applied to a procedure or charge adjustment.
Deleting an insurance claim.
Applying updated insurance estimates to unpaid procedures.
Note: Each transfer of responsibility has a reason that Dentrix Ascend adds automatically and can have reasons that someone adds manually when editing a transaction. To view the reasons for a transfer of responsibility, click (or tap) the Xfer record. In the Reason for Responsibility Transfer dialog box, if needed, you can remove a manually-added reason by clicking (or tapping) its X, or you can add a reason by searching for and selecting a reason (or creating a new one) with the Specify any additional reason box. To save any changes, click (or tap) Save.
Show transaction time - Set the switch to one of the following states:
No - The Modified Date column on the ledger displays only dates.
Yes - In addition to dates, the Modified Date column on the ledger displays times.
Note: You can show and hide times whether or not you are viewing transaction history.
Click (or tap) Done.