Viewing patient connections
You can view a history of communications (connections) with a patient. Currently, the only connections that you can view the history of are billing statements and text messages.
To view a patient's connections
While viewing a patient's record, on the Patient menu, click (or tap) Patient Connection.
The Patient Connection page opens.
View histories on any of the following tabs:
On the Statements tab, a history of statements appears. For a patient who is not a guarantor, the list includes his or her own statements and the guarantor's statements; for a guarantor, the list includes his or her statements and the statements of all patients who he or she is the guarantor for.
Each item is a summary of a statement not the actual statement. There are two types of statement summaries:
Patient - A patient's billing statement or walkout statement.
Guarantor - A regular billing statement for an account, or a patient's billing statement or walkout statement if he or she is not a guarantor for other patients.
You can click (or tap) a name link in the Patient column to go to the Overview page of the corresponding patient's record.
You can click (or tap) a paperclip icon
to open the corresponding patient's statement. The paperclip icon is available only if the Add to Patient Connection checkbox was selected when generating that statement.
Text Messages
On the Text Messages tab, a history of text messages appears. For a patient who is not a primary contact, the list includes automated messages to and replies from the patient's primary contact. For a primary contact, the list includes automated messages to and replies from that person.
Select a date to view the corresponding messages.