Understanding the Provider A/R Totals Report

This table explains the totals on the Provider A/R Totals Report.





There is a row for each provider, which includes the name and ID of that provider. Additionally, if there are unapplied amounts, there is an "<Unapplied Credits>" row.

Beginning Balance

A/R balance at the beginning of the reporting period.

Production - Totals for ledger entries that are designated as production transactions according to their category and subcategory.

Procedure Charges

Total amount of charges for procedures (+).

Charge Adj

Total amount of charge adjustments (+).

Credit Adj

Total amount of credit adjustments (-) that reduce production.

Production Total

Sum of production transactions (Procedure Charges + Production Charge Adjustments + Production Credit Adjustments).

Collection - Totals for ledger entries that are designated as collection transactions according to their category and subcategory.


Total amount of payments (-) applied to procedures.

Note: For "<Unapplied Credits>," the total amount that has not been applied to procedures.

Charge Adj

Total amount of charge adjustments (+) that reduce collections.

Credit Adj

Total amount of credit adjustments (-) applied to procedures.

Note: For "<Unapplied Credits>," the total amount that has not been applied to procedures.

Collection Total

Sum of collection transactions (Payments + Collection Charge Adjustments + Collection Credit Adjustments).


Ending Balance

A/R balance at the end of the reporting period (Beginning Balance + Production Total - Collection Total).

Net Change

Net change in the A/R balance (Ending Balance - Beginning Balance).

% Collected

Ratio of collections to production ((Collection Total / Production Total) x 100).

Note: For "<Unapplied Credits>," this is blank.

Totals: The bottom line of the report contains a total for each column.