Searching for referral sources

If, for example, your office is part of a large organization or performs specialty work (where essentially your entire patient base comes from referrals), you may have a long list of referral sources. To help you quickly find referral sources, there is a Search box at the top of the Referral Sources page that allows you to filter the list.

Note: Referral sources are global (available to all locations across your organization).

To search for a referral source

  1. On the Settings menu, under Patient Care, select Referral Sources.

    The Referral Sources page opens.

  2. In the Search box, begin typing your search criteria. If any part of a referral source’s last/referral name, first name, specialty, or referral type matches your search criteria, that source appears in the search results.


    • The search results can only include up to 100 referral sources, so you may need to be more specific with your search criteria to narrow down the search results.

    • After you add or edit a referral source, your search criteria continues to appear in the Search box, you are returned to the page you were viewing (if the search results included multiple pages), the sorting of the list remains the same, and the maximum number of entries per page persists.

  3. You can sort the list by clicking (or tapping) a column header: Last/Referral Name, First Name, Specialty, or Referral Type. By default, the list is sorted alphabetically by last/referral name. To reverse the order of sorting (ascending to descending; or descending to ascending), click (or tap) the column header that is currently being used to sort the list.

  4. You can choose to display up to 20 or 50 entries per page, and you can navigate between pages by clicking (or tapping) a page number, Previous, or Next.