Adding referral sources

You can add referral sources to your organization's database. Referral sources are sources, other than patients, that have referred patients to your office.

Note: Referral sources are global (available to all locations across your organization).

To add a non-patient referral source

  1. On the Settings menu, under Patient Care, click (or tap) Referral Sources.

    The Referral Sources page opens.

  2. If the referral sources list is long, to quickly verify that the referral source that you want to add does not already exist in your organization's database, search for it by name, specialty, or type. 

  3. Click (or tap) Create New.

    The options for entering referral information become available.

  4. Enter a name, and set up the other options as needed.

    Set up the following options:

    • Name - The source's first and last name and middle initial, or the referral name for a non-person referral source (for example, "Internet search").

    • Title - For a referral source that is a person, the source's title (for example, Dr., Mr., or Ms.).

    • Specialty - For a dental professional, the source's specialty.

    • Referral Type - The type of referral: professional, marketing, or other.

    • Address - The source's address.

    • IDs - For a dental professional, the source's NPI and State ID #.

    • Phone Numbers - The source can have up to three phone numbers and corresponding extensions (where applicable). Make sure the correct Phone Types for each phone number is selected: home, work, mobile, or other.

    • Email - The source's email address.

    • Note - A note regarding the referral source.

  5. Click (or tap) Save.