Processing unsigned clinical notes
From the practice dashboard, you can view and sign the clinical notes that have not been signed by you that should have been. A clinical note is considered to be unsigned by you if you are the primary provider and have not signed it. A clinical is also considered to be unsigned by you if the primary provider (someone other than you) has signed it, but you are the additional provider and have not signed it.
To sign clinical notes
On the Home menu, under Location, click (or tap) Overview.
The location's Overview page (dashboard) opens.
Click (or tap) the Unsigned column of the Clinical Note Tasks box. A clinical note is considered to be unsigned by you if you are the primary provider and have not signed it.
The Clinical Note Tasks page opens with the Unsigned tab selected.
By default, the Date Range is set to display patients with unsigned notes for the last 30 days, but you can change the date range to filter the list as needed. Select Today, Yesterday, Last 7 Days, Last 30 Days, Last 180 Days, This Month (since the first day of the current month), or Custom Range (specify the Start Date and End Date, and then click, or tap, Done).
Select a patient.
On the right, the corresponding clinical note appears for you to review. For your reference, the procedures and conditions that were posted for the selected patient on the corresponding date appear. Also, the options to sign the clinical note appear.
Note: To open the Chart page of the patient's clinical record in a new browser tab, click (or tap) the Go to Chart link in the upper-right corner. On the Chart page, you can review the patient's clinical information and enter or sign clinical notes. Then, you can close the new tab or select the original tab to return to the Clinical Note Tasks page.
To edit the note before signing it, click (or tap) Edit Note. In the Clinical Note dialog box, do any of the following as needed: modify the assigned tooth numbers (Th), change the Provider; change the Date; select, or change the Additional Provider; and edit the Note text, and/or insert notes from Templates. You can sign the note before saving the changes (in which case, ignore step 6) or sign it later. Then, click (or tap) Save.
To sign the clinical note on the Clinical Note Tasks page, do the following:
Select the Sign as [provider name] checkbox.
Note: The Sign as [provider name] checkbox is available only if a digital signature for the selected provider has been set up.
Enter your password in the Password box that appears.
To allow yourself to sign any other clinical notes on the Unsigned tab during this clinical note tasks session without having to enter your password each time, set the Reuse these credentials for all signatures during this session switch to Yes.
With the switch set to Yes, the automatic signature mode remains active until there is no activity on the Clinical Note Tasks page for five minutes, until you navigate away from the Clinical Note Tasks page to another area of Dentrix Ascend, or until you manually turn it off while viewing an unsigned note on the Clinical Note Tasks page.
With the switch set to No, you must enter your password for each clinical note that you sign.
Click (or tap) Sign Note.
Repeat steps 3-6 as needed to edit and sign other clinical notes.